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Aims of Store Control & Job Description

Aims of Store Control

  1. To ensure that an adequate supply of food materials for the immediate need of the operation are available at all times,
  2. To prevent losses through spoilage or pilferage,
  3. To have a minimum working capital.

The job description of storeroom clerk:-

Job title:-store room clerk


Reports to:- storekeeper

Responsible for:- subordinates equipments

Scope (of promotion):- Asst. storekeeper/Storekeeper


  1. To upkeep and maintain the storeroom register.
  2. Assist store-keeper in all his responsibility.
  3. Upkeep bin cards to know stock in hand.
  4. Assist the store-keeper in proper storing and issuing of goods.
  5. Assist the store-keeper in finding the cost of commodities.
  6. To ensure hygiene and cleanliness in the store.
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