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Basis of allocation: Departmental Accounting

Different basis of allocation

Sl No.CostBasis of allocation
1Interest(i) Total Capital Employed in in the Department
(ii) Square feet of the area occupied
(iii) Ratio to Sales
2Insurance(i) Square feet of the area occupied.
(ii) The total value of each asset
3Taxes(i) Ratio to sales
(ii) Basis of tax
4Rent(i) Ratio to sales
(ii) Square feet of area occupied
(iii) No of hours of operation
5Depreciation(i) Square feet of area occupied (building)
(ii) Value of the asset
(iii) Life of the asset
6Telephone(i) Dept. Metered Usage
(ii) No. of extension sanctioned
(iii) Ratio to sales
7Employee’s Benefit(i) No. of employees
 (ii) Refer to payroll record
8Advertisement(i) Ratio to sales
9Light & Power(i) No. of light/power points
 (ii) Cubic feet of area occupied
(iii) No. of hours dept. operate
(iv) Ratio to sales

The above-mentioned basis of allocation are some of the basis recommended but a management may adopt altogether a different base for allocation of indirect cost to the different department.

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