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Beer (Introduction , Types, Productions & Storage)


Beer is defined as a fermented, alcoholic beverage made from barley, wheat, rice, etc. & flavored with hops.


There is evidence that the brewing process was established in Babylon in 6000 B.C. Egyptian improved upon the process & Roman started for the commercial purpose. The Normans carried the process to England when they conquered it. In England, the beer-drinking house (Pub) originated. These houses were represented by signboards of King Head or Red Rooster. The term beer covers drink like ale, lager, stout, etc. The addition of hops started in the middle of the 16th century. The beer gets it to name from Anglo Saxon word called “BEER” which means barley. An interesting fact is that generally beer making countries does not produce quality wine and vice-verse.


Grain – Mainly the barley (Botanical name- Hordium Vulgare) is used but can be produced from wheat, rice combination of grains. The small amount of other grain (Up to 35%) added along with the barley is termed as “adjuncts”.  The higher adjuncts lower the aroma, flavour, taste and cost and vice versa. German beers are made from 100% barley and production process is governed by law enacted in year 1909 called REINHEITSGEBOT means PURITY COMMAND. Following are reason for using barley

  1. Cheaply available, not used as staple diet.
  2. Low in protein content, excess might cause cloudiness.
  3. It has protective sheath, which protect grain from contamination.
  4. It has two enzymes CYSTASE – convert the insoluble starch to soluble starch, DIASTASE– convert the soluble starch to sugar

Hops – These are cone or flower, obtained from perennial plant called Hop vine, 5 meter in height, last for around 20 years. Botanical name is “HUMULUS LUPULUS” derived from Roman word Lupus Sallctarius which means that “sheep among wolf”. Cone or flowers of female species is uses for beer making because it contain a yellow thick substance called “LUPULIN” which contain alpha acid called “Humulones” which contributes to flavour, antiseptic, and preservative. Cone is called STROBLLE & petals are called            BRACTS. Cones are light green in colour having 60-80 % moisture content. They are dehydrated in chamber called OAST HOUSE. Best hops are Bavarian hops comes from Germany. In India they are produced in H.P. Following are uses of hops.

Brand Names of Hops

  1. Brewer gold    2. Northern brewers   3.Fuggles        4. Bavarian hops

5    Saaz                 6. Secret                      7. Perle            8. Progress

9.Tradition         10.Cascade

Yeast – Microorganism cause the fermentation, only seen when massed together, discovered by Anton Van Loeuwenhoeck in 1685 & in 1857 Louise Pasteur explained the function of yeast in detail.

Water – The body of beer consist of 90% of water. The quality and mineral content affect the character of brew. Liquor is term given for water by brewers. Water contains six main salts namely bicarbonate, sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium and sulphate. The proportion of these will affect the flavour and colour of finished product. High level of carbonate will produce acidic mash, which will reduce the extraction of sugar from malts, too much sulphar will give bitterness in brew and magnesium is an essential ingredient for yeast. The uses of the water are in steeping of grain, flavour, provide body and bulk to the beer

Sugar – Sugar is not the main ingredient but can be added for the following purpose (used in the form of sucrose)


Steeping – The grains are soaked in huge tank of water (Six tonnes of barley and 6800 litres of water) at 10 0C for 2 to 3 day. Some producer change water in between to provide dry resting period & grain gets the air also.

Malting- Grains are taken to malt room, which is very hard; grains are spread to depth of 15 – 30 c.m to allow grain breath while sprouting. Grains are constantly stirred for uniform breathing & to prevent sprout getting entwined. This process goes on for 6 – 15 days at 12 – 21 0C.

Germination- During this process the insoluble starch gets converted to maltose & dextrin & rootlets, known as “malts culms” appears. Both the enzymes, CYSTASE – convert the insoluble starch to soluble starch, DIASTASE– convert the soluble starch to sugar. Now the grain is referred as Green malt.

Kilning – In this process the grains are spread on a perforated, tilted floor with a furnace underneath. Grains are dried & temp. maintained is 49 0C. The extant to which grain should heated is decided by the type of beer produced.

Types of Malts

Sieving- It is done to remove malts culms which sold as cattle feed.

Grinding- The grains are roughly broken which are known as GRIST through roller mill.

Extarction of sugar- This can be done by two methods

Brew Kettle- From the under back the wort is pumped into a vessel called “BREW KETTLE” which is pressurized. In this vessel hops (191-907 gms/100litre, depending upon the type of beer) & sugar is added. The mixture is boiled for 2 hrs. This will sterilize mixture.

Fermentation- Fermentation is process which converts the sugar into alcohol & CO2. CO2 is stored in a different tank. This process takes 7–14 days. During the first fermentation a thick layer of yeast is formed which protect the beer. After fermentation the beer is racked in reception vessel.

Lagering/ Maturation– After fermentation beer is aged or lagered. Lagering takes place in stainless tank at close to freezing point. Lagering matures beer & mallow its flavour.

Finning- It the process of clarification in which protein like egg shell, ox blood, gall bladder of sturgeon fish is added.

Carbonation- COis added& stored in barrels and kegs.

Bottle & Cans– Beer for bottling or canning is also treated in a same as for kegs & then runs to refrigerated tank for conditioning where it stays for weeks & then filtered under pressure & then goes for bottling.

Pasteurization- In this process the beer is heated up to 60-66 C for less than 20 min, which kill the bacteria, & remaining yeast, which might have allowed further fermentation.


STORAGE – Ale beer should be stored in dark place at 10-12 C & lager beer to store at 4-5C & bottle should be kept in horizontal position.



Container                         Gallons

1 gallons = 4.554 litre.






Sake is an ancient fermented beverage known to have been made since about the third century A.D in China. But it was not until about 600 years ago that sake, as we know it today was produced. Sake is produced in Japan, part of Chine other Asian countries & Hawaii, California. In Chine the similar rice beer is called “Samshu” & Korea “Suk” In ancient times, the making and serving was entrusted to brewer called “Toji” who incidentally has to be virgin.

Production of Sake

Rice polished to perfection. The grains are polished to remove up to 55% of their covering, then they’re washed, soaked in cold distilled water for 12- 18 hrs to moisture, steamed for 45 minute in “KOSHIKI” (Rice containing tub), cooled then spread in room called “KOJI” where mold “Aspergillus Oryzae”. This mold converts the rice starch into sugar. This rice is referred as “Koji” rice. This rice is added to additional steamed rice & instead of depending on traditional wild yeast modern producer depend upon “Saccharomyces Cerevisiae”. The fermentation is carried in vessel “Morani” at 15-16 0C and the yeast transforms the sugar into alcohol. After 20-25 days fermentation, the mash is filtered to produce fresh sake then matured for 90 -100 days in stainless steel casks then it pasteurized & bottled.

Service– Sake is traditionally served warm at 100- 110 Fahrenheit. At this temp. the heady bouquet (12-17% alcohol ) of sake is released. To serve sake in Japanese traditionally, it is decant in ceramic pitcher called “TOKUURRI” then poured in small ceramic cup called “ SAKAZUKI”(one ounce).  Sake can be served chilled or on the rocks with twist of lemon. Sake can be served with dry vermouth then it is called “SAKINI”.

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