FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS PLANNING AND EVALUATING FRONT OFFICE OPERATION: Planning: At the planning stage, the front office manager shall determine the department’s goals. Later,...

Types of discounted rates – corporate rack etc.

Types of Rate Codes used in hotels Hotels always have more than one rate code category for each room type. Room rates categories generally correspond...

Types of budget and budget cycle

TYPES OF BUDGET 1- MASTER BUDGET – A master budget is a comprehensive projection of how management expects to conduct all aspects of business over...

Fidelio / IDS / Shawman

FIDELIO A Hotel Management System (HMS) Fidelio is a completely integrated system package designed to maximize the efficiency of the hotel. Fidelio is one of...

Capital and Operations Budget for Front Office

CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL BUDGET FOR FRONT OFFICE The main objective of the cash budget is to determine the cash inflow, cash outflows and the resulting...

Making a front office budget

MAKING A FRONT OFFICE BUDGET The most important long term planning of the Front Office Management team is Budgeting the Front Office Operations.Every hotels Annual...

Types of forecast

Types of forecast TYPES OF FORECAST Front office may have several types of forecasting formats. Occupancy forecast are developed typically on monthly basis and are reviewed by...

Evaluating front office operations

Evaluating Front Office Operations A successful front office manager shall continuously evaluate the results of department activities on a daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis....

Refining Budgets, Budgetary Control

REFINING BUDGET If the actual operating figures and budgeted figures are distant from each other, then this suggests a refining or revision of our budget. revision...

Forecasting techniques

Qualitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on judgments, opinions, intuition, emotions, or personal experiences and are subjective in nature. They do not rely on any rigorous mathematical computations. Quantitative methods: These types of forecasting methods are based on mathematical (quantitative) models, and are objective in nature. They rely heavily on mathematical computations.