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Classification of food and flavour and its usage

Classification of food and flavour and its usage

Food and Flavors are classified into three major categories:-

  1. Natural Flavours 
    • Herbs- Basil, mint                                       
    • Spices- Cardamon, clove, turmeric
    • Aromatic Seeds- Anissed, Cumin           
    • Fruits- Orange, Lemon  
    • Vegetables- Pees, Onions, Garlic               
  2. Processed Flavour
    • Caramelized
    • Roasted
    • Fermented
    • Toasted
    • Baked
  3. Added Flavour
    • Natural Extracted Flavour
      • Essential Oil
      • Essence
      • Extracts
    • Synthetic Flavour
      • Fruit Flavour
      • Savoury Flavour

Natural Flavours              

food and flavour

Processed Flavour

Vegetable cuts (onions, garlic)……………. Odour is because of formation of diallyl disulfide.


   Eg-           sugar ——-yeast——>>alchohol



Added Flavour

SWEETENERS-  Sweeteners used can be

(i) Natural Sweeteners

(ii) Artificial Sweeteners

Sugar is added to savoury dishes in minute amounts to improve the flavour of the dish.

Flavour Enhancer

The following chemicals are used as flavour enhancers

Monosodium glutamate(MSG)




Sodium Restricted Flavouring

Spices and herbs contribute natural flavour to foods in which they are used or added to. They are used to enhance the flavor of the food. The flavour is due to essential oils and other flavour components present in the plants. Herbs are the leaves of fresh or dried plants, while spices may be the aromatic part of plants, usually dried buds, fruits roots, bark. they both have nutritive and medicinal properties and are used in cuisines all over the world. common herbs- basil, bay leaf, curry leaves, mint, oregano, parsley, thyme. Common spices- ajwain, asafoetida, fenugreek seeds, mango powder, turmeric.

Use of Flavour in Food Preprations

Flavourings agents are widely used in the food industry to :

  1. Enhance a good flavour –eg: addition of chocolate essences to chocolate cake.
  2. Replace flavour lost while processing food.
  3. Give particular flavour to food.
  4. Mask some undesirable flavour in order to increase acceptability of food.

Eg:- adding essence to egg not to mask the egg flavour. 

Food stuffFlavouring agent
GarlicDiallyl disulfide

Flavor in different foods-


Condiments are aromatic substances added to food to improve its flavor.
The term “seasoning “is applied to substances which are added at the time of cooking While “condiments” apply to those added at the table to food already prepared.

Condiments are classified according to their dominant flavors:-

1. Acid- vinegar, lemon juice
2. Bitter (aromatic) – pepper, paprika
3. Bitter- garlic, shallot, wheels onion, spring onion, leeks
4. Fat- oil, butter, fats
5. Readymade condiments –English sauces (Worcestershire, Harvey) ketchups, curry  Powders, prepared mustards, soy sauce etc. 6. Salt condiments-sodium chloride, sea salt
7. Sweet condiments-sugar, honey.

You can Also check Principles of Food preservation

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