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Computer Fundamentals – Theory

Computer Fundamentals

Definition of a Computer:

A computer can be more accurately defined as an electronic device that takes data as input, stores and processes it and displays the output according to the given instructions.

Data processing Concept

I-P-O Cycle –

CPU – 

Each component participates in either one of the input, process, or Output phases


A computer usually accepts input in the form of data. Data is the raw material. Data refers to numerical (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), alphabetical (A,B,C,D ……Z) and special characters (e.g., @,#,$,%,^,&,!). A set of numbers could be examples of data. OR

Data is a word of Latin used to describe a collection of natural phenomena like numbers, characters, images or symbols, in a very broad sense.

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