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Distribution and Controls ; Cleaning Agents

99213187 cleaning concept housecleaning hygiene spring chores cleaning cleaning supplies

99213187 cleaning concept housecleaning hygiene spring chores cleaning cleaning supplies

Issuing of the cleaning agents can be done in the following ways:

Requisition: each peripheral storage area will have a requisition book with forms in triplicate. Every time good are required, the person responsible for the storage area will complete the form and sign it. The top copy of this form will then be taken or sent to the central store prior to the collection time, where it will be checked by the supervisor and the items put together for collection by the cleaner. The second copy will go to the housekeeper responsible for cleaning expenditure. The third copy will remain in the book which is returned with fresh supplies.

Full for empty/ new for old: this system is used extensively in smaller establishments. Individual cleaners will take empty containers or old dusters, etc. to the central store and will be given a replacement in return.

Topping up At a fixed time each day or week, the cleaners will take their containers to the main store to be topped up. This avoids the danger of running out of supplies. In some establishments, cleaners will deposit their bucket of cleaning agents in the main store at the end of each day or regular intervals. These will be replenished ready for collection at the start of the next shift.

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