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Food Pick up Area : Food Service Areas ( Ancillary Departments)

portillo s hot dogs

portillo s hot dogs

Food Pick up Area is the area that connects the Kitchen to the Restaurant from the back-side. This area is an inter link between the Kitchen staff and Service staff and requires proper management for smoothly functioning of the Restaurant.

A Chef often referred to as ‘Barker’ is responsible for shouting the orders that are prepared and ready to be picked so as to inform the servers about it.

It is called a Food Pick up area or Pass counter as the servers pick up the food items ordered by the guests at their table from here.

The area is also used for keeping KOTs so as to tally pending orders and track orders that have been picked up by the servers.

This area also requires a F&B Staff who can reassure that there are no pending orders, the food is delivered on time by the kitchen and the servers pick up the right order for their tables.

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