Thickening agents give body, consistency, and palatability when used. They also improve the nutritive value of the sauce. Flavored liquids are thickened and converted into soups, sauces, gravies, and curries, etc. In other words,...
Butter and Cream:Anatta is added to give a yellow tinge to butter. A byproduct of beef fat called oleomargarine is added in large quantities to butter. Cream is adulterated with gelatin and formaldehyde is...
The list of Food Additives is longer but we are covering only those which are most common and are in our syllabus. Which are:-
PreservativesAnti-OxidantsSweetenersFood ColouringsFlavouringsStabilisers & Emulsifiers
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General characteristics
1. Bacteria
are minute unicellular plant-like microorganisms. The length of a bacterial cell is about 1um and smaller than this in diameter. Bacteria are classified according to the shapes of their shells. Loops are...
Larder, Garde Manger, Cold kitchen
The term Garde Manger originally identified a storage area. Preserved foods such as Hams, sausages, bacon, cheese, etc. were held in this area, cold foods for Banquets and Buffets are...
The level at which any item of stock to hold is difficult to determine with the two dangers always present in either running out of stock of an item with all the problems...
Classification of fruits
Fruits can be divided into the following groups:
Tree and Stone Fruits: Include all apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, etc.Citrus Fruits : Include grapefruits, lemons, limes, mandarins, oranges, etc.Soft Fruits and Berries: Include blackberries, blackcurrants,...
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Topic Hours WeightageLARDERI. LAYOUT & EQUIPMENTA. Introduction of Larder WorkB. DefinitionC. Equipment found in the larderD. Layout of a typical larder with equipment and various sectionsII. TERMS & LARDER...