Food Contaminants & Adulterants

Food Contaminants A contaminant is any physical, chemical or biological entity that is potentially undesirable for the human health. Contaminants are the substances which are not intentionally added to food items, but there are probable...

Hazard Identification & Risk Management

There are three steps used to manage health and safety at work. Spot the Hazard (Hazard Identification)Assess the Risk (Risk Assessment)Make the Changes (Risk Control) At work, you can use these three ThinkSafe steps to help...

Definition and objectives of Internal Control

The control is a continuous process. It is a part of the routine in all types of organisations whether small or big. The word ‘control’ itself is disliked by one and all, nobody likes...

Bouillon Soup

Bouillon Bouillon is the French word for broth, this name come from the verb “bouillir”, meaning to boil. Bouillon (/ˈbuːjɒn/) is a Haitiansoup. This name comes from the French verb bouillir, meaning to boil. It is...

Grooming Standards for Hotel Industry: A Comprehensive Guide

Grooming Standards for Hotel Industry: A Comprehensive Guide The hotel industry is a highly competitive and fast-paced business that requires impeccable standards of grooming for both guests and employees. From the moment a guest checks...

Role of information technology in the hospitality industry

Technology Used in Hospitality & Tourism Technology plays an important role in the hospitality and tourism industry. Both customers and businesses can benefit from advances in communication, reservations and guest services systems. Technology allows continuous...

Opportunities in Kitchen Stewarding

Opportunities of kitchen stewarding Responsibilities of the manager: 1. Recruiting and training the kst staff.2. Preparing the duty roster3. Supervising the work of the staff4. Ensuring the continuous supply of the well maintained, cleaned and polished...

Difference Between Cash Flow and Funds Flow Analysis

Difference Between Cash Flow and Funds Flow Analysis S.No.        FUND FLOW STATEMENTCASH FLOW STATEMENT    1.This analysis shows the changes in working capital fixed assets etc. between two periods.This analysis shows the changes in cash position...