Forecasting data

Forecasting Data The process of forecasting room availability generally relies on historical occupancy data. To facilitate forecasting ,the following daily occupancy data should be collected:  Number of expected room arrivals Number of expected room walk-ins...

Documents by the Supplier (including format)

Documents by the Supplier (including format) ADVICE NOTE– Advice notes are sent to the purchaser, informing him that goods ordered have been dispatched, giving the date of dispatch and method of carriage used. Post, rail,...

Profitability Index

 ‘Profitability Index’ The profitability index is an index that attempts to identify the relationship between the costs and benefits of a proposed project through the use of a ratio calculated as: Profitability index         A...

What are Windows and Windows 95 and above?

Windows versions Following is a brief summary of the client versions of Windows (a user’s PC running Windows). For more on the server versions, see Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.Windows NT Lineage (32 &...

Comparison of actual physical inventory and book value & Record Maintained

Comparison of actual physical inventory and book value Sometimes there is a difference between the actual physical inventory and book stock of a particular item. the causes of difference are as under: 1. Change in volume...

Classical Kitchen Brigade

The Classical Kitchen Brigade As you learned earlier in this chapter, one of Escoffier’s important achievements was the reorganization of the kitchen. This reorganization divided the kitchen into departments, or stations, based on the kinds...

Off Premises Catering

Off Premises Catering OFF PREMISES CATERING:- Off-premises catering has always been a specialized business. It is the service of meals in offices, clubs, canteens and also in individual homes. In this reference, premises means the...

Whiskey ( History, Production Process, Scotch, Brands)

WHISKEY DEFINITION- Whiskey is a spirit made by fermenting and distilling grain. By long standing tradition, Scottish distillers spell the name of the spirit as “WHISKY” and the Irish distillers spell their spirit as “WHISKEY”....