Types of Housekeeping service in Hotels
Hotel guests expect comfortable and clean accommodations in their temporary “home away from home.” This means a variety of housekeeping services provided by dedicated and trained staff is required...
Organizational strategy is a dynamic long-term plan that maps the route towards the realisation of a company’s goals and vision.”
You can also look at the video below for an alternate explanation of ORGANISATIONAL STRATEGY
Food Safety
The safety of food produced, served & consumed is of utmost importance to everyone, more so to those who habitually eat outside their homes and are unaware of the intrinsic quality of food...
Mughlai Cuisine
During the sixteenth and seventeenth century the splendor and opulence of the Mughal courts were at the zenith-the like of which had not been seen in over a thousand years. Between 1626...
Aging: Holding meats in coolers under controlled conditions to allow natural tenderizing to take place.
AP required: As-purchased amount necessary to yield the desired EP weight. AP required is...
Quality Purchasing
The quality of an item to be followed would be determined by the Purchase Manager, Executive Chef, and the F & B Manager as per the catering policy, the menu requirements and its...
IHM Solved Paper 2013-2014 | Financial Management 5th Semester | Ihm notes | Hmhelp
Q.1. Financial Planning is key to success. What are the basic fundamentals of financial planning? Explain the goals of financial management.
The cold mousse is a delicacy that is sure to delight the eye and please the palate as well. A mousse can be defined as a mixture of cooked ingredients, pureed and held together with...