CULINARY TERMS 1.  ABATS-  Meat items such as offal’s, heads, hearts, liver, kidneys, etc.2. AIGULETTES-Thin strips of the fish, breast of poultry, cut lengthwise. 3. AGING –To improve the tenderness of meat which is held at a...

Origin of Modern Cookery

A HISTORY OF MODERN FOOD SERVICE The value of history is that it helps us understand the present and the future. In foodservice, knowledge of our professional heritage helps us see why we do things...

Departmental Accounting, Methods Advantage and disadvantages

Why do we prepare Departmental Accounting ? Now, say, for example, there is a retail store that contains different sections, if clothing bags, Footwear beauty products, Etc. Or if there is a manufacturing company, they...


LAYOUT OF THE LARDER SECTION Larder of a 5 star operational kitchen will be segregated into the following section- 1. Hors d’oeuvres and salad section having two sinks, work tables, storage racks and cupboards, refrigerator, gas...

Safe Deposit & Key Control

SAFE DEPOSIT Though hotel is not responsible for the guest valuables, the rule to this effect is written in the guest registration card and also notified in the in guest room .but a hotel offers...

Method of Cooking: Grilling

Grilling is a fast, dry method of cooking that uses the intense heat radiated by an electrical element, gas flame, or glowing charcoal. The heat sources can be either above or below the food...

GIN ( Types, Brands, Production process)

GIN DEFINITION Gin is a flavoured alcoholic beverage, which produced by re-distilling high proof spirit with Juniper berries and other flavouring agent. HISTORY OF GIN “Shaken, not stirred.” A classic line, for a classic cocktail–the preferred martini of...


LIAISON WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The Larder is both a storage department for most perishable foods and a preparation department for such foodstuffs. The Larder staff, under the supervision of the Chef Garde-Manger, are responsible for...