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Profitability Ratios

Screenshot 2020 08 04 financial analysis png PNG Image 680 × 440 pixels

Screenshot 2020 08 04 financial analysis png PNG Image 680 × 440 pixels

Profitability Ratios

Profitability ratios are a class of financial metrics that are used to assess a business’s ability to generate earnings relative to its associated expenses. For most of these ratios, having a higher value relative to a competitor’s ratio or relative to the same ratio from a previous period indicates that the company is doing well.

1Gross Profit RatioGross Profit/Net Sales X 100
2Operating Cost RatioOperating Cost/Net Sales X 100
3Operating Profit ratioOperating Profit/Net Sales X 100
4Net Profit RatioOperating Profit/Net Sales X 100
5Return on Investment RatioNet Profit After Interest  And Taxes/ Shareholders Funds or Investments  X 100
6Return on Capital Employed RatioNet Profit after Taxes/ Gross Capital Employed X 100
7Earnings Per Share RatioNet Profit After Tax & Preference Dividend /No of Equity Shares
8Dividend Pay Out RatioDividend Per Equity Share/Earning Per Equity Share X 100
9Earning Per Equity ShareNet Profit after Tax & Preference Dividend / No. of Equity Share
10Dividend Yield RatioDividend Per Share/ Market Value Per Share X 100
11Price Earnings RatioMarket Price Per Share Equity Share/ Earning Per Share X 100
12Net Profit to Net Worth RatioNet Profit after Taxes / Shareholders Net Worth X 100

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