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Stocktaking-procedures and records


Stocktaking is counting what you have (ACTUAL or PHYSICAL STOCK) and comparing it to what you are supposed to have (BOOK or RECORDED STOCK). It is an essential activity that must be carried out at regular intervals. Any discrepancies should be accounted for and adjusted in the records. It is an operational necessity in order to be able to predict future requirements. Stocktaking acts as a control measure by highlighting discrepancies, thereby promoting investigation. It also acts as a deterrent for pilferage and ensures rotation of stock.

Procedure for linen stocktaking

Departments concerned must be intimated at least one day in advance. All linen must be counted on the same day or at least the similar type linen is counted at a time (Room Linen is separated from F & B Linen), so as to prevent ‘borrowing’ to make up deficiencies. A convenient time is chosen when all linen movement can be halted without causing too much of a problem with the operations.

Master Inventory Control Sheet
Inventory date____________                                                                                      Inventory Prepared by________________ Signature of the executive Housekeeper    _______________________________________ Signature of the General Manager    ____________________________________________
1. Linen item
2.Last inventory data
3. New received
4. Subtotal(2+3)
5.Recorded Discarded
6. Total (4-5)
7. Storage Room
8. Linen Room
9. Laundry
10.On carts
11. In Rooms
12. On rollaway, cribs, etc
13. Subtotal(7+8+9+10+11+12)
14. Loses(6-13)
15. Par stock
16. Amount needed(15-13)
17. Order
18. Need to order(18-19)
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