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Types of Galantine & and how it is made


A galantine is a French dish of de-boned stuffed meat, most commonly poultry or fish, that is poached and served cold, coated with aspic. Galantines are often stuffed with forcemeat, and pressed into a cylindrical shape.

Since deboning poultry is thought of as difficult and time-consuming, this is a rather elaborate dish, which is often lavishly decorated, hence its name, connoting a presentation at table that is galant, or urbane and sophisticated.

How Galantine is Made ?

Galantines is rolls made from birds or cuts of meat that have been boned and stuffed .A galantine is shaped in a cylinder (so that it is easy to slice ), then wrapped in a cloth and poached in stock .It is always served cold ,usually in spic ,Chicken and turkey galantine often have a real or ham stuffing , while a pork stuffing is more common for richer meats.

In the Middle Ages, the term galauntine or galantyne, perhaps with the same connotations of gallantry, referred instead to any of several sauces made from powdered galangal root, usually made from bread crumbs with other ingredients, such as powdered cinnamon, strained and seasoned with salt and pepper. The dish was sometimes boiled or simmered before or after straining, and sometimes left uncooked,[4] depending on the recipe. The sauce was used with fish and eels, and also with geese and venison


When sliced a galantine displays an attractive mosaic of meat and stuffing dotted with nuts, olives,chunks of ham or pork fat and sometimes truffles slices are arranged flat on the dish so that they scarcely overlap. The classic decoration is a shiny coating of aspic and sometimes part of the galantine is left unsliced to coat with chaudfroid sauce.A garnish such as stuffed tomatoes adds colour but it is not obligatory
given the colourful appearance of the dish itself.

PROBLEM IN COOKING – If cooked too fast ,busts ,if overdone, dry for storage refrigerate for 3 days .

Types of Galantine :

There are so many types of galantine some of them are listed below

Duck apricot (Belgium) : Duck breast seasoned with rosemary and served with a sweet sour apricot sauce.

Fish asparagus ( France) :

Tuna Fish roll (Spain)

Turkey Sherry and Truffles(Spain)

Ham and bacon(UK)

How to make chicken Galantine?

Ingredients of Chicken Galantine Recipe

• 2 teaspoons of each cornstarch and vegetable or canola oil

• 1 teaspoons of each sesame oil and sugar

• ½ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

• 1 pound of each chicken breast and thighs, very carefully skinned, boned, and cut in bite-size pieces

• 2 medium shallots or 1 onion, diced

• 1 teaspoon of ground coriander or 1 tablespoon of fresh cilantro leaves

• 2 tablespoons oil for the Terrine

How to Prepare Chicken galantine

  1. In a bowl, combine soy, sherry, Hoisin sauce, cornstarch, vegetable or canola oil, sesame oil, sugar, peppers and coriander or cilantro. Add chicken and marinate for 1 hour.
  2. Prepare chicken stock with bones, onion, carrots, parsley root and celery. Finely mince or grind the marinated chicken through a meat grinder to a mixing bowl. Add shallots or onion and coriander. To taste for seasonings, make a little patty and sauté it in a skillet; then taste and add what ever you fill is needed.
  3. To make the galantine: Using a needle with a white thread, sew up the sides of the breast skin pieces, living an opening. Loosely fill with the meat mixture and sew up the opening. Shape to rolls with your hands.
  4. If you’ll have leftover filling or the skin pieces are too small, wrap it in cheese cloth as a roll and tie both ends.
  5. Carefully lower all the rolls into the stock and simmer for about 1 and a half hour. After about half an hour of simmering, prick a few halls in the rolls, which are in the chiken skin, with a fork. This step will allow the stock to penetrate and moisten the filling.
  6. When the rolls are cooked, transfer them to a colander and cool to room temperature; then refrigerate for 24 hours. (I like to brown the rolls in the oven or in a skillet, on all sides, for color and crispy skin and then cool and refrigerate them). Slice into 1/2-inch slices.
  7. To cook as a Pate: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Prepare a deep roasting pan for “au Bain Mare”
  8. You may like to add to the chicken mixture about 4 ounces of chicken liver or veal or steeped dried mushrooms and mince or grinned all together.
  9. Pour the 2 tablespoons oil into ceramic terrine dish with a lid or moisten with a little water and lay a large piece of plastic wrap; then top with the Pate mixture, smooth the top and tap on the counter to release air bubbles.
  10. Cover with the lid, place into the roasting pan, transfer to the middle rack of the oven and carefully fill the pan with hot water about half way of the terrine.
  11. Bake for about 1 and ½ hour, adding water if needed. Cool to room temperature and then refrigerate overnight. Slice and serve on a beautiful platter or tray.

you can also check: Ballotines

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