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What is Silver service ? Guide

What is silver service ?

Silver services it a Food serving style. It is also known by the English service. This form of serving allows dishes to be presented and then transferred from one place to another from the Left-hand side Using a service spoon and fork.

While serving food, the server will move anti-clockwise. The waiter takes plates and dishes to the sideboard and places each plate in front of each guest from his/her right-hand side. He/she then moves clockwise to serve the food.

Overview of Silver Service

Silver service has existed for hundreds of years. Silver cutlery and silver tableware are a long-standing tradition. Silver service dining is not something you have likely experienced unless you have eaten in high-end restaurants/hotels, or lived in wealthy homes.

Silver Service is a service that has been revered and respected by British upper-class people for centuries. This is the standard for dining in restaurants around the world. It dates back to the 17th-18th centuries. The Sunday off would be granted to the usual wait staff at a private residence. The Butler, the head of the house and staff, would be asked to take over serving the food. The Butler would then walk around the table and serve the food directly to the guests or family members from his tray.



  1. High initial capital investments in service equipment are required.
  2. This type of service requires a lot of staff.

The entire rulebook for “What is Silver Service” is quite large. The following gives an overview of some ground rules you should follow.

  1. Never leave empty spaces for guests.
  2. You will blend into the background. Outstanding service is discreet, unobtrusive and quiet.
  3. The ratio of servers and guests will depend on the number of courses served and any special preparations required.
  4. You must not touch the plates.
  5. Service in one direction
  6. Atmosphere is very important.
  7. The temperature of the plates is determined by the type of food served, and the Chef’s guidelines.
  8. The left side of the plate is used to serve and clear the plates.
  9. Throughout the meal, water and wine glasses will remain on the table. Each guest will have different preferences regarding the wines and beverages they drink. only the sherry glass is removed.

Different Types Of Silver Service

There are many different types of Silver Service. And if you are in the hospitality industry it is vital to not only know the difference but to be able to provide them flawlessly.

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