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Most foodservice products are delivered in the AP or As Purchased state. This refers to the weight or count of a product, as delivered to the foodservice operator. EP or Edible Portion refers to the weight of a product after it has been cleaned, trimmed, cooked, and portioned. Thus, AP refers to food products as the operator receives them; EP refers to food products as the guest receives them.

Yield % is important in the area of recipe costing. This is true because a recipe cost must take into account the difference in price of products in their AP or EP state. In order to determine actual recipe costs, it may sometimes be necessary to conduct a yield test to determine actual EP ingredient costs. A yield test is a procedure used for computing your actual costs on a product that will experience weight or volume loss in preparation.

Total Yield % =    Remaining Weight     x    100

                               Original Weight

Waste % is the percentage of product lost due to cooking, trimming, portioning, or cleaning.

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