2nd Sem | Food Production | Solved Papers | 2015-16 | 2nd Sem


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Q.1 (a) List the difference between Broth and Bouillon.

Broth is the liquid that remains after meat or vegetables have been cooked in water. It may be served alone or used as the base for a light soup.Broth is made using only meat. It has light intense flavour as compared to stock.Bouillon is often used anonymously with broth. The term also pertains to the condensed-cube and powder forms of broth, used to add a burst of flavor to some recipes. Court-bouillon typically refers to recipes calling for seafood. Because of the short cooking time required for fish and shellfish, court bouillon is also flavored with vegetables and aromatics, such as celery and carrots, before the main ingredient is added.

(b) Explain the process of making Cream of Tomato Soup.

Potatoes, Rice, and Bread Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-low heat. Add the onions and carrots and sauté for about 10 minutes, until very tender. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, sugar, tomato paste, basil, chicken stock, salt, and pepper and stir well. Bring the soup to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer, uncovered, for 30 to 40 minutes, until the tomatoes are very tender. Add the cream to the soup and process it through a food mill into a bowl, discarding only the dry pulp that’s left. Reheat the soup over low heat just until hot and serve with julienne basil leaves and/or croutons.

(c)What are the thickening agents used for Bisque and Chowders?

Thickening agents for bisque and chowder are:

Cooked potatoes or rice can be mashed or puréed and added to soup for more body. Simmering potatoes and grains in soup will also thicken the liquid slightly. Bread crumbs are used to thicken Italian Wedding Soup.

  • Cream

Stir full-fat cream into warm, not boiling, soup to add richness and body after the soup is fully cooked. Full-fat milk and sour cream can also thicken soup, but be sure not to boil the soup after adding the dairy to prevent the soup from curdling.


Roux, which is equal parts fat and flour, is common as a thickener because it not only thickens, but stabilizes, too.

Q.2. (a) Differentiate between Sauce and Gravies.

The sauce is a liquid or a cream or a semi-solid food. It is a sauce if it does not have meat. When meat is cooked plain or floured, the juices left over in the pan are called sauce The sauce is used to prepare food as well as to serve food. That is people use the sauce to eat prepared food as well as to make food.Gravy is made by adding thickening agents to the juices that naturally run during cooking. If it contains meat or vegetable pieces, it is referred to as gravy. When flour is added to thicken the juices after the meat has been cooked, we get the gravy. Gravy is usually used for serving food only. That is you eat gravy only with prepared or cooked food.

(b) List two emulsified sauces and two derivatives from each with their major ingredients.

An emulsified sauce is literally the blending of fat (butter or oil) and water (wine, vinegar or egg yolk- which is more than 50% water). Combine them together with heat, centrifugal force, or just a vigorous whisk and you suddenly have one sauce where there were once two separate ingredients which typically do not play well together.

The best known emulsified sauces are hollandaise or mayonnaise.

Derivatives of Hollandaise Sauce:

  1. Maltaise(Orange Sauce): Hollandaise+Juice of Blood Oranges+Blanched Julienne of Orange.
  2. Mousseline(Cream Sauce): Hollandaise+Whipped Double Cream.

Derivatives of Mayonnaise Sauce:

  1. Aioli(Garlic Sauce): Mayonnaise+Pounded Garlic Cloves
  2. Thousand Island: Mayonnaise+Chopped Gherkins+Chopped Capers+Chopped Herbs+Ketchup.

(c) Explain the main features of Contemporary Sauce and list two examples from modern cuisine.

The broad category of contemporary sauces includes beurre blanc, coulis, compound butters and a variety of miscellaneous sauces, such as relishes, salsas and compotes. Contemporary sauces mean that these sauces compliment the dish by enhancing the flavor and of the dish in total. They are prepared by the chefs in the kitchen with a view that there particular flavor matches best with the basic flavor of the dish served. They are not considered as mother sauces as they are not the base for other derivative sauces but sometimes act as good as a mother sauce. The primary factors distinguishing contemporary sauces from the grand sauces are the following:

  • They usually take less time to prepare.
  • They are more likely to be specifically tailored to be a given food or technique.
  • They have a lighter color, texture and flavor than some of the grand sauces.
  • They are more likely to be thickened and finished using emulsions, modified starches or reduction and less likely to contain roux.

Pesto Sauce, with an Italian origin, generally made from pine kernels, basil, olive oil, garlic, sea salt, black pepper and Parmesan. Originally all these are pounded in a mortar and pestle and then preserved in olive oil for future use.

Mint Sauce, the classical accompaniment of roast lamb is made by making a gastric out of reduced vinegar and sugar. Freshly chopped mint is added in good quantity for the flavor and served immediately.

Q.3. (a) Name two colour pigments which contribute red colour to the meat.

Myoglobin, a protein, is responsible for the majority of the red color. Myoglobin doesn’t circulate in the blood but is fixed in the tissue cells and is purplish in color. When it is mixed with oxygen, it becomes oxymyoglobin and produces a bright red color. The remaining color comes from the hemoglobin which occurs mainly in the circulating blood, but a small amount can be found in the tissues after slaughter.

 (b) Identify the different cuts of Lamb with a neat diagram and list the culinary usage of each of them in a tabular form.

PartsLamb (lb)Mutton (lb)Use
Shoulder Leg Chump Breast Saddle Best End Middle Neck Scrag End Knuckles/Trotters6 7 2 3 7 4 4 1 800 g9 11 3 5 11 6 6 2 1 kgRoasting Roasting, Boiled Grilling, Roasting Roasting, Stewing Roasting,Grill, Fry Roasting, Grill,Fry Stew, Braising Stew, Broth Stock, Soup

OR (a) List the quality determination criteria of Pork?

Quality criteria for Pork:  

  • People should look at the color of the pork they are picking out. It should be a nice reddish pink color to a purplish red. People think you want to pick lighter colored pork, but it is the opposite. The darker the pork is the better it will taste if cooked properly.
  • People also want to look at the fat inside the cut of meat they pick. The fat inside the cut of meat is called marbling. The marbling will make the meat juicy and tender if cooked properly.
  • It should be free from any foul smell and temperature should be maintained to avoid the growth of microorganisms.

(b) Give the corresponding French term for Kidney, Liver, Offal and Tongue.

  • Kidney: Un rein
  • Liver: Foie
  • Offal: Déchets
  • Tounge: Langue

(c) Explain Rigor Mortis.

Rigor mortis is famous for setting in from the head down, but actually all muscles experience it equally. The stiffness is just more noticeable in the smaller muscles around the face and head than in the large muscles of the legs and abdomen. The stiffness generally goes away after about two days. Rigor mortis (Latin: rigor “stiffness”, mortis “of death”) or postmortem rigidity, the third stage of death, is one of the recognizable signs of death, caused by chemical changes in the muscles post mortem, which cause the limbs of the corpse to stiffen.

Rapid refrigeration of meat after slaughter reduces the risk of dangerous bacteria on the meat and is generally a good thing. But rapid refrigeration may cause sarcomeres to shorten, thus making the meat tough. Electrical stimulation is used to deplete ATP, thus initiating the early development of rigor mortis.

Q.4 (a) List the selection criteria for Fish.

  1. Smell- there should be no foul smell.
  2. Touch- the fish should be free from slime yet moist and not dry to touch.
  3. Scales- the scales should be firmly attached to the fish.
  4. Tails and fins- the tails and fins- should be firm and flexible but not brittle.

(b) Explain the factors considered while classifying Fish and Shellfish.

Classification of Fish:

Habitat: Fish can be classified in the basis of their habitats. Fish comes from the sea, ocean, river or lake and each of these habitats play a very important role in its taste and texture.

Physical Shape: There are two shapes of fish- Round and Flat.

Flesh Type: Fish are also classified by its flesh type. The flesh of either oily or white.white fish is also referred as lean fish.

Classification of Shellfish:

Shellfish are mainly categorised into Crustaceans and mollusks.

Crustaceans: As the name suggests they have crust on top or a shell, which act as an Armour. Unlike fish, shellfish do not have any cuts associated with them. eg.: Crabs, Crawfish, Lobster and Prawns.

Mollusks: Mollusks are shellfish that have a hard inedible shell.they have a single shell known as gastropods, those have two shells are known as bivalves. Cephalopods means shellfish that have legs over their heads.

(c) Name four classical cuts of Fish with brief explanation.

  • Fillets

Round fish are de-headed then filleted by cutting through the belly, gutting the fish, opening it flat then removing the backbone and smaller bones, leaving the two fillets on each side of the fish joined in a ‘butterfly’ style.  The central bone can also be removed by cutting along the back after which the guts can be taken removed without splitting the belly.

Suitable fish: Any small to medium sized whole round fish, usually single portion specimens such as bass, herring, mackerel, mullet, sardines, tilapia, trout, whiting.

  • Cheeks

As the name implies, these are cut from the head of larger mature fish and are the small pockets of flesh found just below each eye. Hailed by many as one of the tastiest parts of a fish, they are round-ish. 

Suitable fish: Usually taken from larger specimens such as monkfish, cod, hake, haddock, halibut

  • Cutlets

Fish cut – cutlets a single-serving cross-section portion sliced straight through the backbone of a whole, dressed, round fish. In general, they are slightly thinner than a steak, usually around 12mm/½-inch thick, and most often cut from the section between the head and mid-body.

Suitable fish: Any medium sized round fish. See also darnes and steaks

  • Darnes

Fish Cut – Darne Single-serving portions taken from a cross section straight through the backbone of a whole, dressed, round fish, In general, they are slightly thinner than a steak, usually around 12mm/½-inch thick, and most often cut from the section between the head and mid-body. Also known as cutlets.

Suitable fish: Any medium sized round fish See also cutlets, steaks and tronçons – the flat fish version.

Q.5. Write short notes on any two:

(a) Short Crust Pastry

Short crust pastry is a type of pastry often used for the base of a tart, quiche or pie. Shortcrust pastry can be used to make both sweet and savory pies such as apple pie, quiche, lemon meringue or chicken pie. Shortcrust pastry recipes usually call for twice as much flour as fat by weight. Fat (lard, shortening, butter or full-fat margarine) is rubbed into plain flour to create a loose mixture that is then bound using a small amount of ice water, rolled out, then shaped and placed to create the top or bottom of a flan or pie. Often, equal amounts of butter and lard are used to make the pastry, ensuring that the ratio of the two fat products is half that of the flour. The butter is employed to give the pastry a rich flavor, while the lard ensures optimum texture.

(b) Laminated Pastry

Laminated dough gets its name from how it’s made. “Laminating” dough refers to the process of folding butter into dough multiple times to create very thin alternating layers of butter and dough. The gluten in the flour also gets developed during the folding and rolling process.

This is unlike other baked goods where butter is creamed in with the sugar and flour, so the result when baked is a pastry with hundreds of flaky, airy layers.

The two most common types of laminated dough are puff pastry and croissants. Puff pastry is the simplest form of laminated dough, with just butter folded into basic dough of flour, water, and salt. Croissants take it one step further and add yeast and milk to the dough, which make the pastries richer, raise more, and end up more bread-like. Danishes, palmier cookies, kouign amann, and sticky buns are also pastries made with laminated dough.

(c) Choux Pastry

Choux pastry is light pastry dough used to make profiteroles, croquembouches, éclairs, French crullers, beignets, St. Honoré cake, quenelles, Parisian gnocchi, dumplings, gougères, chouquettes, craquelins and churros. It contains only butter, water, flour and eggs. Instead of a raising agent, it employs high moisture content to create steam during cooking to puff the pastry. The pastry is used in many European and European-derived cuisines. The ingredients for choux pastry are butter, water, flour and eggs. Like Yorkshire pudding or David Eyre’s pancake, instead of a raising agent, it employs high moisture content to create steam during cooking to puff the pastry. The high moisture content is achieved by boiling the water and butter, then adding the flour. The mixture is cooked a few minutes longer, and then cooled before adding enough eggs to achieve the desired consistency. The boiling step causes the starch in the flour to gel, allowing the incorporation of more water.

OR (a) Explain the impact of Salt and Sugar in bread making.


The main function of sugar in bread making is to provide for yeast which in turn produces carbon dioxide. It helps in enhancing the flavor of bread. Being hygroscopic, sugar helps to retain moisture in bread. 

It contributes to the golden brown outer crust colour of bread.

Apart from the sugar added in the formula, sugar is present in the fermenting dough as a result of the diastase activity. This sugar provides food for yeast at a certain time at the final stage of fermentation. It also imparts bloom to the bread.


Sat imparts taste to the bread. It also helps in bringing out the flavour in bread. Is has a controlling effect on the yeast activity and thus keeps the speed of fermentation under check. Salt has a tightening action on flour proteins thus improving the gas retention power in the dough. Salt being hygroscopic, it helps to keep bread fresh and moist for a longer period of time. The colour of the crust is largely dependent on the amount of salt added while making the dough. That means if there is less salt in the dough, yeast action will be more than normal and there will be less sugar for caramelisation resulting in poor crust colour. On the other hand if more salt is present, there will be more sugar left at the time of baking due to the controlling effect of salt on yeast and the crust colour will be dark.

The amount of sugar in a bread recipe varies between 1.25% – 2.5% depending on the strength of the flour, length of fermentation time, etc.

 (b) Explain the Proving stage for bread making process and justify its importance.

Proofing (also called proving or more rarely blooming), as the term is used by bakers, is the final rise of shaped bread dough before baking. It refers to a specific rest period within the more generalized process known as fermentation. Fermentation is a step in creating yeast breads and baked goods where the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough. Fermentation rest periods are not always explicitly named, and can appear in recipes as “Allow dough to rise.” When they are named, terms include “bulk fermentation,” “first rise,” “second rise,” “final proof” and “shaped proof”.

Proofing yeast (as opposed to proofing the shaped bread dough) refers to the process of first dissolving yeast in warm water, a needed hydration step when using active dry yeast. Proofing can also refer to testing the viability of yeast by dissolving it in water and feeding it sugar or carbohydrate. If the yeast is viable, it will feed on the sugar and produce a visible layer of bubbles on the surface of the water mixture. It’s an important rest period before baking, also known as fermentation. Fermentation is when the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough, and at times the words proof and fermentation and used interchangeably. Proofing bread is crucial to the overall flavor and texture of your final loaf.

Q.6. (a) Explain the components of Cheese.

Cheese is a dairy product derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. During production, the milk is usually acidified, and adding the enzyme rennet causes coagulation. The solids are separated and pressed into final form. Some cheeses have molds on the rind, the outer layer, or throughout. Most cheeses melt at cooking temperature..

(b) How the Cheese is to be stored?

A resealable plastic bag will do the job, but it’s not the ideal storage solution for your cheese. The best way to wrap leftovers really depends on the particular type.

Whatever the sort of cheese, stash it in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator, where the temperature is cold and stable.

Use a fresh piece of plastic wrap or wax paper to rewrap cheese after each use.

The length of time you can keep cheese also differs according to the variety; in general, the harder the cheese, the longer it will last.

(c) Name two Cheese each from France and Switzerland with their main features in brief.

French Cheese

  • Brie de Meaux – produced in Brie, near Paris. Brie has a milk and rich taste with sweet, butterly mushrooms or truffles and almond flavours.
  • Roquefort – called “the cheese of kings and popes” in France, Roquefort is moist, rich, creamy, salty and tangy. It is mostly used in salads and dressings.

Swiss Cheese

  • Gruyère – is a hard yellow cheese that originated in the cantons of Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Jura, and Bern in Switzerland, and is named after the town of Gruyères.
  • Emmental – is a yellow, medium-hard Swiss cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, Canton Bern. It has a savory, but mild taste.

OR (a) What is Pastry Cream?

Pastry cream, or crème patisseries, is a staple that every baker should know how to make. Pastry cream is thick custard that can be used as a filling for any number of cakes, tarts or pastries. It is made with milk, eggs, sugar, cornstarch (or a mixture of flour and cornstarch) and flavoring. Vanilla is the most popular flavor for pastry cream, but the cream can be flavored with any number of different things, from extracts to liqueurs to chocolates to fruit purees. 

(b) Explain the usage of Pastry cream in confectionery.

The uses of pastry cream are as follows:

  • Pastry cream is used for fillings in tarts, pies, and flans.
  • It is used for filling between sponge cakes to create gateaux and pastries. This is a neutral cream flavored with vanilla. It can be flavored with any desirable flavors.
  • It is used as a base for hot desserts, as it can be baked also.
  • It is also used for filling choux pastry items to create desserts.

(c) Elaborate the process of making Crème Chantilly.

Process of making Crème Chantilly:

Step 1: Chill your mixing bowl in the refrigerator to reduce the chance of the cream separating.

Step 2: Combine 300ml thickened cream, 1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1/2 tsp. vanilla bean paste and 1 tbs caster sugar in the bowl.

Step 3: Use an electric mixer or balloon whisk to whisk the cream until it forms soft peaks.

Step 4: To tell if it’s ready, stop the mixer and lift the beaters straight up. The cream should drop slightly from the end of the beater or whisk. If it doesn’t, continue beating until it does.

Step 5: Serve with light, fluffy scones and raspberry jam.

Q.7. (a) What is pasteurization of milk?

Pasteurization or pasteurization is a process that kills microbes (mainly bacteria) in food and drink, such as milk, juice, canned food, and others. It was invented by French scientist Louis Pasteur during the nineteenth century. In 1864 Pasteur discovered that heating beer and wine was enough to kill most of the bacteria that caused spoilage, preventing these beverages from turning sour. The process achieves this by eliminating pathogenic microbes and lowering microbial numbers to prolong the quality of the beverage. Today, pasteurization is used widely in the dairy industry and other food processing industries to achieve food preservation and food safety.

Unlike sterilization, pasteurization is not intended to kill all microorganisms in the food. Instead, it aims to reduce the number of viable pathogens so they are unlikely to cause disease (assuming the pasteurized product is stored as indicated and is consumed before its expiration date). Commercial-scale sterilization of food is not common because it adversely affects the taste and quality of the product. Certain foods, such as dairy products, may be super heated to ensure pathogenic microbes are destroyed.

 (b) Differentiate Single cream, Double cream and Whipping cream.

Fresh unpasteurized milk quickly separates and the fat rises to the top. This fat layer is then skimmed off and is known as cream. Cream has long been a versatile ingredient in the kitchen and can form a base to desserts, such as posset, or can be added to both sweet and savory sauces to create a rich, smooth texture. Cream is also served just as it is, poured or spooned over hot or cold puddings and used as a garnish for soups.

  • Single cream is a richer version of milk, with around 18% fat content. You can use it for pouring or adding to coffee. Single cream will not whip and will curdle if boiled, so it can’t be a substitute in recipes that call for whipping or double cream.
  • Whipping cream has around a 36% fat content, which allows air to be trapped when whipped, roughly doubling the volume. Once whipped, it can be used to top desserts or fill cakes and pastries.
  • Double cream is the thickest with around a 48% fat content. It makes an ideal pouring cream, such as when serving with fruit, or it can be whipped and piped for decorating desserts. It can also be used to add richness and creaminess to savoury dishes. Extra thick double cream is made by heating then rapidly cooling double cream – this creates a thicker cream.

 (c) What is butter and how is it clarified?

A pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream and used as a spread or in cooking.

Clarified butter is milk fat rendered from butter to separate the milk solids and water from the butterfat. Typically, it is produced by melting butter and allowing the components to separate by density. The water evaporates, some solids float to the surface and are skimmed off, and the remainder of the milk solids sink to the bottom and are left behind when the butter fat (which would then be on top) is poured off. This butter fat is the clarified butter.

Q.8. (a) Briefly explain the process of making Indian Gravies.

Indian traditional cuisine gives the image and the feelings of tantalizing food steeped in various fragrant spices and gravies enriched with different types of flavors through exotic and amazing methods of cooking. Indian Gravy is a smooth liquid of a saucy consistency, which imparts body, taste, richness and very life to any Indian food preparation. In other words it is the heart and soul of Indian cuisine. Most of the Indian dishes have certain ingredients in common, so preparing and storing one when you have some spare time is a great idea.

White Gravy: White gravy, this curd-based gravy is prominent in North Indian cuisine. It is white to off-white in colour and bland in taste compared to other gravies. It is made richer and creamier with the extensive use of cashew nuts and cream.

Makhani Gravy: Basic Makhani Gravy, Popular Restaurant Makhani Gravy. The cream and butter used to prepare this gravy gives it the name Makhani. It is reddish tomato-based gravy commonly used in North Indian cuisines. The sour taste of tomatoes is balanced by the use of fresh cream.

Kadhai Gravy: This is gravy which is selectively used in Indian cuisine for making Kadhai dishes only like Kadhai Paneer or Subz Kadhai or chicken Kadhai .The characteristic flavors of this gravy are sweet, sour, bitter, astringent, salt, and spicy. All six flavors must be felt in this gravy to make it a complete dish.

Masala(Brown) Gravy: This is another very importantly used gravy in Indian cuisine. The main purpose of this gravy is to give a binding base to the curries where richness is not required and simultaneously the curry look is also required like as egg curry. It is very simple to make and utterly useful .

(b) Give general layout of a kitchen.

 (c) Give importance of wash-up area in a kitchen.

Importance of Wash up area in kitchen:

  • It is the area where all kitchen utensils and plates are washed.
  • It also plays an important role in smooth running of the kitchen.
  • This should be away from the gas range in the kitchen.

OR List the various factors considered while planning a kitchen layout.

Basically there are two types of kitchens, one is free standing kitchen and other is a fitted kitchen. Following are the requirements of a good kitchen: 

  • Kitchen Layout: The design of the kitchen should be triangle theory between Cooker, fridge and sink. The distance between them should be small. Insert worktop between the three elements wherever possible, in order to allow food preparation and somewhere to place pots, etc.
  • Quality of Kitchen Units: There are thousands of kitchen units available in the market and choose a shell which uses 18mm carcass timber. Look for the units that stand on adjustable legs and hinges. The other important units of kitchen are drawer runners.
  • Kitchen Floors: The best time for laying a kitchen floor is immediately after the old kitchen has been stripped out and the plumbing and electrical work has been done.
  • Kitchen Cleanliness: While cooking lot of natural greases and oil vapors will be evolved and these vapors settle on the work surfaces, behind the handles, on top of the extractor. So it is better to choose a kitchen which can be easily cleaned.
  • Kitchen Decoration: Generally vapors settled on the surfaces of the kitchen helps in the growth of mold spores. To avoid this problem it is better to use coat on the walls of the kitchen with either proprietary kitchen or bathroom emulsion, an oil based eggshell or a similar coating that will resist the infiltration of moisture. It is also better to keep all tile splash backs grouted with mold resistant grout.
  • Kitchen Ventilation: Kitchen ventilation is also an important criterion while planning for a kitchen and it is useful to provide a large, extractor fan, trickles vents also helpful in providing the ventilation.

Q.9. Explain the following culinary terms:

(a) Allumette

To allumette a vegetable means to cut it into small, thin pieces the size of matchsticks. … The technique is used on firm vegetables such as potato, celery, carrot, peppers, turnips, parsnips, etc.

(b) Brioche

Brioche is a pastry of French origin that is similar to a highly enriched bread, and whose high egg and butter content give it a rich and tender crumb.

(c) Dugléré

Dugléré Method of cooking white fish in white wine and water, adding cream and a velouté sauce.

(d) Glaze

A glaze in cooking is a coating of a glossy, often sweet, sometimes savoury, substance applied to food typically by dipping, dripping, or with a brush. Egg whites and basic icings are both used as glazes.

(e) Haricot

French bean of a variety with small white seeds.

(f) Liaison

A Liaison in cooking is a binding agent. In theory, a binding agent in cooking can be anything, such as bread crumbs or flour, but the term “liaison” is used almost exclusively to refer to a mixture of cream and egg yolks use to thicken soups or sauces.

(g) Risotto

An Italian dish of rice cooked in stock with ingredients such as vegetables and meat or seafood.

(h) Tart

An open pastry case containing a sweet or savoury filling.

(i) Farinaceous

Consisting or made of starch , such as bread , macaroni , and potatoes.

(j) Matignon

In cooking, a matignon is a mirepoix in which the ingredients are minced rather than diced, and more flavorings added. Matignon, unlike mirepoix, is not a part of the food preparation itself, but is always served at the table.

Q.10. Match the following:

3CongeecEgg protein
4PoddRed wine
5AlbumeneGround almond paste
7SoubisegFreshly ground white pepper
9MarzipaniGreen peas
10MignonettejOnion sauce
  • A) Estouffade- Sabayon
  • B) Lettuce-Cos
  • C) Congee- Porridge
  • D) Pod- Green Pea
  • E) Albumin- Egg Protein
  • F) Oxtail- Red Wine
  • G) Soubise- Onion Sauce
  • H) Paprika- Hungary
  • I) Marzipan- Ground Almond Paste
  • J) Mignonette- Freshly Ground Pepper
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumarhttp:////hmhelp.in
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