In American formal dining table, a full course French classical menu can include 5, 6, 17 or 13 course French classical menu, and in its extreme form, has been proven to have twenty five courses in the French classical menu. In these more formalized dining events, the classes are carefully planned to complement each other gastronomically.
The French classical menu courses are smaller and distribute during a long day up to three, four or five hours, and follow conventions of menu preparation which have been established over several years. Most french classical menu (excluding some light courses such as sorbets) at the most formal complete course dinners are usually paired with another beer, wine, liqueur, or a different spirit. The most luxurious well-known full class is, of course, created from French where represent their elegant service in gastronomy.
13 Course French Classical Menu Sequence
In the The 13 course French classical menu in sequence are:
- Hors d’oeuvre- Appetizer.
- Potage- Soup.
- Oeufs/farineux- Eggs/pastas.
- Poisson- Fish.
- Entrée- Entree.
- Relevé- Joint.
- Sorbet- Sorbet.
- Rôti- Roast.
- Légumes- Vegetables.
- Entrants- Sweets.
- Fromage/savoreux- Cheese/savory.
- Dessert- Fruit.
- Café- Coffee.
17 Course French Classical Menu Sequence

What is 17 Course French classical menu ?
A French classical menu is the standard of a menu created by the french, it is consists of 17 courses. The food service staff must know the sequence in which the french classical menu is presented In the modern context, guests do not have that much time to dine, nor health-conscious generation allows themselves to overeat, so the French classical menu has been reduced. however, now we are going to look at the 17 courses of the French classical menu.
17 Course French classical Menu Sequence In French
Hors d’oeuvre- Appetizer
Potage- Soup
Oeufs- Eggs
Farineux- Pasta.
Poisson- Fish
Entrée- Entree.
Relevé- Joint.
Sorbet- Sorbet.
Rôti- Roast.
Légumes- Vegetables.
Salade- Salad
Buffet froid- Clod buffet
Entremets- Sweets
Savoureux- Savoury
Dessert- Fruits and nuts
Boisson- Beverages
Now Let us Know every thing in details about those 17 course French classical menu in sequence.
1. Hors d’oeuvre- Appetizer
It is the first course of the French classical menu. This course consists of dainty and delicate dishes of tangy, salty nature, aimed at stimulating appetite.
It is usually served from a rotating trolley or a tray a small amount of each variety being placed on the plate to make up a portion. There are generally two types from the service point of view.
- General Hors-d-oeuvre
- Classical Hors-d-oeuvre
2. Potage- Soup
Soup is the second course in french classical menu also act as an appetiser for the further courses to come. Soups like clear soup(consommé) and the other a thick soup (crème, veloute, puree) are served during this course. Although it must be noted that the clear soup is always placed first on the menu.
3. Oeufs- Eggs
It is the third course of the french classical menu. All types of egg preparations (except plain boil egg) are included in this course. The egg may be given in place of fish course after appetizer and soup courses, It is advisable to include either egg or pasta in table d’hote luncheon menu.
4. Farineux- Pasta.
This is Italy’s contribution to the courses of the menu. It includes different kinds of rice and pasta. Pasta dishes are spaghetti, lasagne and gnocchi. There are more than 200 varieties of pasta. The ingredients, size, shape and colour determine the type of pasta.
5. Poisson- Fish.
It is the fifth course of the french classical menu. Fish is soft and fibred and tender meat, which is easily digested and help to prepare the appetite for the havier course to come
There are basically two types of fish preparations :-
1. Poached fish preparation: Either covered with sauce or served with a sauce such as hollandaise. mousseline. or mayonnaise separately.Examples: fillet of pomfret veronique, fillet of sole morney, fillet of pomfret florentine
2. Fried, grilled, or baked fish: Which is often dry and served with its appropriate accompanying sauce separately.Examples: fillet of pomfret orly, fillet of sole meuniere, fillet of pomfret colbert, grilled gerring. Cover: Half plate, fish knife, fish fork
To know more about fish you can click here
You’re Reading 17 Course French Classical Menu | French Classical Menu
6. Entrée- Entree.
The First in the meat course in 17 course french classical menu Entrées is generally small, well-garnished dishes which come from the kitchen ready for service. They are always accompanied by very rich gravy or sauce when relive follow entrée then potatoes and vegetables are not served with the latter; if, however, a reliever does not follow the entrée they would be served with the dish.
7. Relevé- Joint.
This is the main meat course on the menu, Releves are normally larger than entrees and take the form of butcher’s joints which have to be carved. These joints are normally roasted. A sauce or a roast gravy with potatoes and green vegetables are always served with this course.
8. Sorbet- Sorbet.
Because of the length of the French classical menu, this course is considered to be the rest between courses . It counteracts the previous dishes and rejuvenates the appetite for those that are to follow. It is water and crushed ice slush flavoured as a rule with champagne and served in a glass.
9. Rôti- Roast.
At this stage, the balance of the courses is gradually returning from heavy to light. Roast always contain roast of game or poultry: – chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, quail. Each dish is accompanied by its own particular sauce and gravy, with a green salad served separately on a cresent shaped dish.
10. Légumes- Vegetables.
We now have a vegetable dish served only with its accompanying sauce. These are vegetable dishes that can be served separately as an individual course or may be included along – with the entrée, relevé or roast courses.
11. Salade- Salad.
Various types of salads are served during this course, including plain or simple salad or compound salad. It can be cold dish and green vegetables,
Some examples of salades
- Coleslaw
- Tossed salad
- Andalouse
- Waldorf
12. Buffet froid- Clod buffet
In this course, Chilled meat(small) pieces are served.
13. Entremets- Sweets.
Entremets on a menu refers to desserts. This could include hot or cold sweets, gateaux, soufflés or ice-cream.
14. Fromage- Cheese.
Fromage is an alternative to the outdated savoury course, and may be served before or after the sweet course. It is usually served with butter, crackers and occasionally celery.Gouda, Camembert and Cheddar are some examples of cheese.
All type of cheese may be offered together with appropriate accompaniments, the ideal cheese board will combine hard, semi-hard, soft or cream, blue and fresh cheese.
15. Savoureux- Savoury.
They are generally salty and tangy course. small tit-bits are served in this course to remove the sweet taste from the mouth.
16. Dessert- Fruits and nuts.
All forms of fruit and nuts may be served accompanied by castor sugar and salt.Prepared/pre-cut fruit should be considered as an example of a sweet course.
Fresh fruits that can be comfortably managed by the guest themselves at the table should be preferred on the menu. Fruits are served in the fruit basket, placed on the table at the time of this course. Cutlery provided as a fruit Knife and a fruit fork
17. Boisson- Beverages
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