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British Cuisine Everything you’ll ever need

British cuisine

The food of United Kingdom (UK) is also termed as British Cuisine. Though  this food is quite popular in the UK, it has not been able to establish its repertoire in many countries due to various reasons. The main focus of British cuisine is more on the use of high quality local ingredients and not as much on the presentation of food.

Geographic location

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country in Western Europe and a member of the British Commonwealth and the European Union. Usually known as the United Kingdom, or UK, it is made up of four parts. Three of these parts—England, Wales, and Scotland—are located on the island of Great Britain and are considered nations in their own right. The fourth is Northern Ireland, which is located on the island of Ireland and is a province of the United Kingdom.

The UK is situated off the north-western coast of continental Europe and is surrounded by the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Historical Background

Significant Features – Staple food with regional influences

  1. The cuisines of Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales provide the basis for a cooking style that reminds people of the purpose of food, comfort, and nourishment.
  2. The countries that make up the British Isles have storied histories and have followed very different paths. Britain became one of the greatest empires and colonized countries all over the world, including neighbouring Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
  3. This history of colonization has played a significant role in the development of modern British cuisine, whereas in Ireland, and to a lesser extent in Scotland and Wales, the cuisine  developed predominately as a peasant/poor cuisine that focused mostly on survival and much less on indulging or celebrating.
  4. The sauces used are used to bring out the flavour of food and complement the dish rather than disguise or mask the original flavour of food.
  5. The historic cooking methods of the cuisines of the British Isles are boiling, griddling, and hearth baking, done over a fire burning in hearths.
  6. The cuisine of this area is known for its substantial breakfast.
  7. A sandwich has always been a very popular snack.

Sub-Regions of Great Britain Cuisine(British Cuisine)

English Cuisine

Scottish Cuisine

Irish Cuisine

Welsh Cuisine

Popular Ingredients


Important Terms

Bastible – Heavy iron pot with three legs used to bake and roast foods over a fire.

Griddle – Flat cast-iron cooking surface used to make the many examples of quick drop breads and seared foods found in the cuisines of the British Isles.

Hearth – Low fireplace found in homes throughout the British Isles, used for heating the home and for cooking.

Pasties – Pastry filled with savoury ingredients and baked.

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