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Care and cleaning of PC, CPU, Modem, UPS, Printer, Laptops

Care and Maintenance of Computers 

Computers and their peripherals are quite robust and reliable.However, casual use of different components, may lead to serious problems ranging from faulty and unreliable operations to complete stoppage of operation. A few routine care and maintenance schedule can ensure trouble free operation for a reasonable period of time. But in case of serious problems, professional help should also be taken

Care and Maintenance of Printers

The most common problems faced while using a printer are poor print quality, streaking print, white lines through prints, no print, etc.
Most of these problems originate from ink drying up at the print head or nozzle and clogging them during a printing operation.

UPS – Maintenance and Care

A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) provides instant emergency power to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate source (battery) in case of a failure of the main power supply.
The battery is the most important part of the UPS. A periodic maintenance program extends the life of the battery.
The following steps can help establish a good maintenance program for the UPS battery.
UPS – Maintenance and Care (contd..)
Inspection: Periodic inspection should be carried out.
Periodic measurements: of the voltage, temperature, resistance, etc. should be measured to ensure that the battery is operating to its optimum.
Load testing: When the battery can no longer supply 80 % of its rated current, the aging process begins and the battery is considered for replacement. Individual cells of the battery should be monitored so that only the weak or bad cells can be identified and scheduled for replacement.
Record Keeping: All data collected through the above maintenance program should be documented to track the performance of the battery over time.

A Few Good Maintenance Practices for Reliable Operation of Computer Systems

Computer systems are now a part and parcel of modern organizations.
Smooth and efficient functioning of the organization nowadays depends a lot on the continuous and reliable functioning of the systems.

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