Floor Seals : Cleaning Agents

Floor seals are semi-permanent finishes applied to a flooring to render it impermeable to protect the surface from dirt, stain and other liquids and to provide an easy to maintain surface. The floor surface...

Tallow sculpture

TALLOW WORK: Patterns and sculptures made with animal fat creating an eye- catching tallow piece is always time consuming, and should be planned well in advance. Such displays can be used over and over again...

Evaluating front office operations

Evaluating Front Office Operations A successful front office manager shall continuously evaluate the results of department activities on a daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. While evaluating, the following items and tools shall be used: Daily...


FORCEMEATS The term Forcemeat or farce, is used to describe the basic mixture that needs to be prepared in order to produce charcuterie products. The word farce comes from the Latin farcire. A farce or forcemeat...

Billing procedure – cash and credit sales: Sales Control

i) Cash Sales – Customer pays in cash, a copy of the bill is sent to the accounts along with the K.O.T., the K.O.T. is then forwarded to F&B Controls. ii) Credit Sales – Customer pays through...

Importance of Security in Hotels

The guest, who comes to a particular hotel, comes with an understanding that he and his  belongings both will be safe and secure during his stay at the hotel. At the same time it...


MEAT By the word meat we mean the body tissues of animals that can be eaten as food, anything from frog legs to calves brains. However, we usually make a distinction between the meat animals...

Space Area Allocation in Banquet

SSpace Area Allocation in Banquet Here is an example of a banquet seating plan for 350guests.31 guests on the top table. SOME CONSTANTS Size of the table: 6 Feet X 3 feet and 3Feet X 3 feet Space...

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