Do you love traveiling to new place and always wished that what if i could go and explore different places around the worlds and experience its culture interacting with people eating different food while...
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
It is named for the spike-like projections that come off of the virus. It looks like the points on a...
“More of protective clothing than uniform.” The chef’s uniform consists of the following:
• Keeps the head cool and prevents the hair from falling into the food.• Cotton/cloth caps are difficult to maintain whereas, paper...
The Service Area is situated between the kitchen and the restaurant and has the following functions.
Cleans dirty equipment corning from the restaurant or floors.Supplies clean equipment to the restaurant and kitchen.Calling point...
Composition, Care, & Cleaning Of Metal
Hard surfaces are found in various forms, in different areas, in all hospitality establishments.To
keep the hotel property looking as fresh as it did the day it first
Selection criteria of an egg are as follows:
A fresh egg is heavy. As the egg gets older it loses water through the shell making air pocket larger so the older the egg, the lighter...
Reservation of the hotel accommodation is one of the important responsibilities of the front office department. A potential guest contacts a hotel for availability of the desired type of accommodation and any allied services...
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management.
It’s a company-wide business strategy designed to improve revenues and profitability, reduce costs and increase customer loyalty.
The CRM philosophy is simple:
Put the customer first.
When your business looks at every transaction through...