What is PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) in front office ?
A generic term used to describe the application of computer hardware and software in managing the interface of various departments of a hotel.
Examples of...
Medical Emergencies in Hotel
Today we will share how to handle medical emergencies like guest’s sickness, death etc. The hotel emergency team members are responsible to lead in a medical emergency situation and should remain...
Standard operating manuals-Job procedures
A job procedure specifies the way in which a task is to be performed. Job procedures should be used during induction and training sessions and ought to be incorporated into the...
Application Software
Application software is a program or group of programs designed for end users. These programs are divided into two classes: system software and application software. While system software consists of low-level programs that...
Basic Principles of cleaning in Hotel Housekeeping Department
Regardless of
the type of the hotel or size of the hotel, the housekeeping department
should follow the certain basic principles in cleaning or basic
cleaning rules to follow in...
Flatwares are any equipment that is used to cut or pick food and has a flat surface. The purpose of these types of equipment is to cut, pick or tear food while eating.
Examples: –...
The primary function of the food and beverage department is to provide food and drink to a hotel’s guests. In earlier times, when an inn had a single dining room that...
At following points, Internal and External/Statutory Audit differs:-
1 What is the purpose of the audit?
Internal audit considers whether business practices are helping the business manage its risks and meet its strategic objectives – it can cover operational...