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Food Preservation ( Types & Causes of spoilage)

Food Preservation

Food preservation is the process in which the perishable food materials are given a suitable physical or chemical treatment to prevent their wastage, spoilage and to retain their nutritive value for long periods. Food processing can result in several advantages, some of which are –


All food undergoes varying degrees of deterioration during handling and storage. Some food spoils rapidly, others keep for longer but for a limited period of time. Therefore spoilage of food refers to the alteration in foods or the food undergoes some physiological, chemical and biological changes, which renders it inedible or hazardous to eat. Such food is essential for processing or preservation after it is harvested or slaughtered.

There are several causes of food spoilages

Spoiled food cannot be rectified by any processing method. It results in wastages & discarded immediately. To prevent spoilage & wastage of food, any surplus food should be processed & preserved immediately.

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