French terms related to F & B Service


French terms used in restaurants:

Bar counterComptoir
Bill folderPique note
Bottle openerTire bouchon
Bread boatBateau a pain
Butter dishBeurrier
Butter knifeCouteau de table
Candle standTenant de chandelle
Caviare knifeCouteau a caviar
Champagne coolerSeau a frapper
Cheese knifeCouteau fromage
Chinese cruet setMenagere chinoise
Cocktail cupTasse a cocktail
Cocktail  glassVerre cocktail
Coffee cupDemi tasse
Coffee potCafetiere
Coffee saucerSoucoupe a café
Coffee spoonCuiller a café
Coffee trayPlateau a café
Cold & hot servoryBain marie
Consommé cupTasse a consommé
Dessert forkFourchette a dessert
Dessert spoonCuiller a dessert
Dish of the dayPlat du jour
Egg cupTasse a oeuf
Entrée dishPlat d entrée
Finger bowlRince doigts
Fish forkFourchette a poisson
Fish knifeCouteau a poisson
Flower potPot a fleurs
Flower vaseAssiette a fleurs
Grape fruit cupPample moussiere
Grape fruit spoonCuiller a pample mousse
Half platePetite assiette
High ballL’eau decoper
Ice bucketSeau a glace
Ice cream cupTasee a glace
Large forkGrande fourchette
Large knifeGrand couteau
Large plate
Match boxBoite d’ allumette
Menu of the dayCarte de jour
Milk potLaitier
Napkin ringAnneau
Nut crackerCasse noisette
Oyster knifeCouteau a huitres
PantryGrade manger
Pastry tongPince a patisserie
Salad bowlBol a salade
SalverPlateau d argent
Sandwich tongPince a sandwich
Sauce boatSaucier
Sauce ladleLouche a sauce
Service forkFourchette a service
Service spoonCuiller a service
Side boardBuffet, etagere
Slip clothNapperon
Soup bowlCuvette a potage
Soup ladleLouche a potage
Soup spoonAssiette a potage
Soup tureenSoupiere
Steak knifeCouteau a steck
Straw holderPaillotiere
Sugar potSucrier
Sugar tongPince a sucre
Table clothNappe
Tea cupTasse a the
Tea potThe iere
Tea saucerSoucoupe a the
Tea spoomCouiller a the
Toast rackPorte roties
Tooth pick holderPoignee cure dents
Tray clothToil de plateau
TrolleyTable roulante
Waiters clothNappe de garcon
Water gobletGobelet
Water jugPot a eau

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Amit Kumar
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