Hierarchy in small, medium, large and chain hotels
Organizational StructureThe organizational structure of a housekeeping department—whether in a small, medium or large hotel— is depicted using in an organization chart.An organization chart is a schematic representation of the relationships between positions within an establishment, showing where each position fits into the overall organization and illustrating the divisions of responsibility and lines of authority.The housekeeping department in a hotel is headed by the executive housekeeper.He/she reports to the general manager, or to the resident manager, or the rooms division manager in a large hotel.In the case of a chain of hotels, the executive housekeeper also reports to the director of housekeeping, who heads the housekeeping departments in all the hotels of that chain.The deputy housekeeper assists the executive housekeeper and, depending on the size of the property, there can also be assistant housekeepers who look after the various areas of responsibility in the hotel, that is, floors, public areas, the linen room, and desk control.Organization Chart/Hierarchy of a housekeeping department in a small hotel

Organization Chart/Hierarchy of a housekeeping department in a medium-sized hotel
Organization Chart/Hierarchy of a housekeeping department in a Large hotel (Chain hotels)
Organization Chart/Hierarchy of a housekeeping department in a Large hotel