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Issuing and Uniform exchange procedure in hotel & Type of uniforms

Issuing and Uniform exchange procedure in hotel

A)Issuing uniforms to new employees

In case of new employees, uniforms are issued against a specific authorization letter received from the personnel department. The employee is required to sign for his or her particular uniform. A UNIFORM ISSUE SLIP is provided to the employee by the personnel department to let him/her prove that he/she is a new employee in the organization. The uniform is then issued from the linen room, where the name of the department and the items issued are entered in the uniform register and the signature of the employee is taken.

Uniform register

uniform register is maintained by uniform staff. Uniform Slip Method: when employees deposit the soiled uniform and take the clean one on the following day, make out the uniform exchange slip in duplicate. Original slip is given to the employees and duplicate is retained in uniform slip book.

Uniform Issue Slip

B) Issuing uniforms to regular employees –

There could be any of the following procedure involved in the process of Uniform exchange procedure in hotel to regular employees:-

But in Majority of Hotels, Uniforms are usually given to employees on a one-for-one basis, that is, one fresh uniform for a soiled one.

On leaving the hotel, an employee has to get a signature for ‘uniform clearance’ from the linen room supervisor, failing which the last pay cheque is withheld.

Uniform exchange procedure in hotel

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