Meat Tag
Tagging food serves multiple purposes
- It helps to control the price of expensive food.
- The receiving clerk must weigh each item in percentage and compare it to the purchase specifications weight range.
- It allows you to calculate a more precise percentage of daily food costs.
- It helps to control the stock levels
Meat Tag Format

MEAT TAG NO.22928 |
Item Beef Cut Rib Total cut 22 lb Total value $ 39.60 Cost/lb $ 1.80 Supplier Tambard Meat Co. Date Recd. 5.2.8 Date issued 12.2.8 |
MEAT TAG NO.22928 |
Item Beef Cut Rib Total cut 22 lb Total value $ 39.60 Cost/lb $ 1.80 Supplier Tambard Meat Co. Date Recd. 5.2.8 Date issued 12.2.8 |
Food store copy Send to food control on the day of issue to kitchen |
The meat Tagging process is very high-priced because fo the following reasons.
- After receiving the items, they will be checked against the purchase specifications to determine if they are acceptable.
- A tag can be made for each item received if necessary. The main information is taken directly from the invoice. Each item is weighed individually and the weight recorded on the tag.
- The tag is separated by the perforation. The control office copies of the delivery note or invoice and the kitchen copy are attached to the food item with string or wire.
- The item is sent to the control office with the date and issue information.
- The control office will often perform a reconciliation of tags form for meat, which records the tags from the receiving department as well as the ones from the kitchen. The total value of all expensive items would then be known.
- Facilitation and addition of inventory records, and the checking process.
- Check for discrepancies and shortage
- Guarantee of inspection procedures
- Assists with the FIFO procedures.
- It is not possible to re-weigh.
- It is used to calculate the daily cost of meat.
- It aids in the comparison of meat.
- It allows stock reordering to be easier.
- It helps to trace the origin of meat in cases of problems.
- This helps you to maintain strict control.
- The items are shipped to the appropriate storage areas.