Sandwich Recipe (How to make Sandwich)


Sandwich Recipe

General Hints of Sandwich making :

1. Soften the butter before spreading it.
2. Smooth fillings such as cream cheese spread easiest at room temperature. If certain fillings need to be made in advance and refrigerated, leave them for some time at room temperature before spreading.
3. Use a palette knife for easy spreading.
4. Ideally, bread should be between 12-24 hours old.
5. Butter both sliced of the bread which forms the sandwich.
6. Buy sliced bread wherever possible – it’s neater and quicker.
7. If you are slicing the bread yourself, pile up the slices in the order they have been cut.
8. Use sufficient filling for each sandwich –the label should not be the only means of identification.
9. Meat should be free of all gristle and excessive fat.
10. Beware of dry meat. Moisten with lemon juice (fish), mayonnaise (vegetables) or aspic jelly (meats). When making roast beef sandwiches, its best to leave the meat underdone.
11. Once cut, wrap sandwiches in a wax paper, foil, or cling wrap to keep them fresh. Keep together, lots of identical fillings and label each batch. Keep wrapped but do not store in the refrigerator. A damp napkin wrapped around each batch is a good safeguard against dryness, but not necessary when using foil.


 The preparation of quality sandwich is more than placing a piece of filling between two slices of bread.
 Misc- en- place is the key to the success in this endeavor.
 Normally the sandwich has to be served as soon as prepared.
 Speed is the main reason for the popularity of the sandwich.
 Portion controlling the bulk production is most important. Thus pre portioning of the ingredients is very important.
 A great deal of handwork is involved in sandwich making. Therefore work flow must be smooth and easy.
 Arrange the bread slices in a row on a long table
 Put the chosen spread on all the slices
 Place the fillings on the alternate slices evenly and neatly.
 Put the garnishes if required
 Top the filled side of the bread with the alternate side.
 Stack two or more sandwiches and remove the crust or to cut them
into the desired shapes.
 Wrap the sandwiches with a wrap to prevent the bread from drying out
 Refrigerate them till service


The basics of good presentation are the key to good sandwich making.

 The sandwiches should be evenly cut
 The plates or platters used for sandwiches should be of a suitable size
 Normally the cold sandwiches can be served on a bed of shredded cabbage or lettuce
 The platters can be lined with a few slices of cucumber and tomatoes
 The dips or sauces can accompany the sandwiches
 The best combination with sandwiches is to give wafer potatoes as an accompaniment.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumarhttp:////
Hii! Welcome to My digital home, I am Amit – an almost no-code generalist, helping businesses with their online presence using WordPress and other tools and simplifying some of their operations with ideas and automation. A psychology and philosophy geek by interest and a graduate in Hospitality Management. I founded hmhelp during college, which got me into WordPress. I am a highly motivated and results-oriented professional with a proven track record of success in the hospitality industry. I’m also a Digital Marketing Enthusiast with significant academic and practical experience managing digital content across multiple platforms. Skilled at SEO optimization, developing digital content for social media platforms, I offer extensive knowledge of multiple software programs, strong attention to detail, and extraordinary communication skills. If you are interested in talking about any of the topics I have mentioned on my website, you are in the right place. You can contact me or learn more about what I do. You can also connect with me on social networks.

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