Fats are solid at room temperature and melt when heated. Those used in cooking include butter, margarine, lard, suet, and hydrogenated fat.
Oils are liquid at normal temperatures but solidify at lower temperatures. Those commonly...
Sweeteners and sugarsThe term sugar is used to describe a wide range of compounds that vary in sweetness.
Common types of sugars are :
GlucoseFructoseGalactoseSucrose (common table sugar)Lactose (the sugar found naturally in milk)Maltose...
There are two types of beverages: non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages can be further classified into three types: fermented, distilled, cocktails. Also, you can classify non-alcoholic into stimulating, nourishing and refreshing.
A non-alcoholic beverage is...
Safety Procedure in Handling Equipment
• Kitchen work usually considered safe in comparison with industrial jobs.• Minor injuries from cuts and burns are very common.• Serious injuries too are possible.
Table of Contents
Safe Work Place Preventing CutsDo’sDon’tsPreventing...
What is Soup?
In a short way Soup is mainly a liquid food, made by cooking meat, vegetables etc. In water which is served warm
Majorly there are four Classification of soup Thin, Thick, Cold...
“More of protective clothing than uniform.” The chef’s uniform consists of the following:
• Keeps the head cool and prevents the hair from falling into the food.• Cotton/cloth caps are difficult to maintain whereas, paper...
Selection criteria of an egg are as follows:
A fresh egg is heavy. As the egg gets older it loses water through the shell making air pocket larger so the older the egg, the lighter...
1. ABATS- Meat items such as offal’s, heads, hearts, liver, kidneys, etc.2. AIGULETTES-Thin strips of the fish, breast of poultry, cut lengthwise.
3. AGING –To improve the tenderness of meat which is held at a...