What’s a Restaurant?
A restaurant is a place where food and drinks are offered and served to clients. There are numerous kinds of restaurants that have evolved to meet the dynamic demands of customers. A restaurant must prepare a dining service for the guests and should think about the menu, service hour, style of service & cost potential of their client.
These are a few different types of restaurant in India:
1. Bistro
It’s a little restaurant which serves simple, reasonably priced wine and meals. Braised meats are typically dishes which are supplied in a bistro. It serves coffee also. The service is casual and quick. It may not have published menus.
2. Brasserie
An individual can have only a drink or coffee.
3. Coffee shop
It’s a restaurant which mainly serves snacks and drinks 24 hrs per day. The service and the ambiance of this coffee shop are casual. Furniture and service gear used isn’t so costly.
4. Specialty Restaurant

The uniform of the service team will be based on the heritage of the area or country.
5.Fine Dining Restaurant
This sort of restaurant primarily caters to the need for this affluent market segment which wishes to experience fine dining. It’s available mostly during dinner time.
6. Popular Restaurant
This sort of restaurant is casual , yet hygienically maintained and it’s situated in a busy area like bus stands, railway stations, shopping areas, etc. Catering to the demands of the middle class and the clients that are in a rush.
7. Dhaba
It’s a roadside food stall located on state and national highways, mainly catering to the demands of heavy vehicle crew.
8. Fast Food Joint
The fast-food concept was first introduced in the united states and now it’s become popular across the world. It’s distinguished by the speed of the very affordable price of the menu items.
9. Cafe
This is a restaurant of French source , mainly serving snacks and coffee. The French introduced cafés from the French colonies in India but functioned Indian snacks like vada, samosas, and so forth along with coffee and pastries.
10. Cafeteria
The traditional cafeteria system is made up of straight line of counters comprising many different cold and hot dishes.The clients begin at the end of a line, get a tray, and continue along the length of the counter as they pick the dishes they want to possess.
11. Foodcourt
The customers order the food items they need to have and eat them in a frequent dining area.
12. Drive-in
At a drive-in restaurant, clients drive-in, park their vehicles.
13. Bar
Hotels and restaurants have different licensed areas to market these alcoholic beverages. Snacks are also provided.
14. Carvery
it’s a restaurant serving roast beef and poultry, which can be carved in the canning counter by a carver in the presence of guests. So. These are the titles of some of the most popular kinds of restaurants and their features that you may find in India.
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