Management Contracted Hotels : Classification of Hotels

MANAGEMENT CONTRACT HOTEL These hotels are the properties owned by other entities. Under this type of contract, the owner or developer usually retains the financial...

Inter-Departmental Relationship With Maintenance

Inter-Departmental Relationship With Maintenance The housekeeping department depends on maintenance to keep things in order.While carrying out their scheduled work, housekeeping employees may find some ...

Front Office Equipments : Hotel Entrance, Lobby & Front Office

Here is a list of equipment and furniture, racks and cabinets etc. usually used in hotels run on manual/ mechanical and automatic system, i.e.,...

Classification of Time Share

TIMESHARE CATEGORIES There are different types of vocational ownership products available on market today which can be divided into three main categories: Traditional Timeshare OwnershipFractional OwnershipPoint-...

How is it different from Hotel Business : Time Share & Vacation Ownership

A Hotel room is rented for a certain number of days where you have only one room to yourself. You may go down to...

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