Classification of Soup with Digram

What is Soup? In a short way Soup is mainly a liquid food, made by cooking meat, vegetables etc. In water which is served warm...

Uniforms & protective clothing

“More of protective clothing than uniform.” The chef’s uniform consists of the following: Toque/Headwear • Keeps the head cool and prevents the hair from falling into...

Selection of an Egg

Selection criteria of an egg are as follows: A fresh egg is heavy. As the egg gets older it loses water through the shell making...


CULINARY TERMS 1.  ABATS-  Meat items such as offal’s, heads, hearts, liver, kidneys, etc.2. AIGULETTES-Thin strips of the fish, breast of poultry, cut lengthwise. 3. AGING –To...

Origin of Modern Cookery

A HISTORY OF MODERN FOOD SERVICE The value of history is that it helps us understand the present and the future. In foodservice, knowledge of...

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