Accents, Orthographic signs & Punctuation : French


There are 5 French accents:

  1. the cédille Ç,
  2. the accent aigu é,
  3. the accent circonflexe â, ê, î, ô, û,
  4. the accent grave à, è, ù
  5. and the accent tréma ë, ï, ü.

1. The cédille (cedilla) Ç

The cédille is only used on the letter C. It changes a hard “c” sound (like “k”) into a soft “c” sound (like “s”). Ç is never used before the vowels e or i, as these 2 vowels always produce a soft “s” sound (glaceici).

2. The accent aigu (acute accent) é

The accent aigu is only used on the letter e.

3. The accent circonflexe (circumflex) â, ê, î, ô, û

The accent circonflex indicates that (historically) an “s” used to follow that vowel e.g.  écouter and escouter

4. The accent grave (grave accent) à, è, ù

With and u, the accent grave is used to differentiate some words;

  • à to” versus has
  • où where” versus ou or

5. The accent tréma (dieresis/umlaut) ë, ï, ü

The accent tréma indicates that the vowel is to be pronounced separately from the one immediately before it.


.un pointfull stop, period,dot
,une virgulecomma
:les deux points, un deux-pointscolon
;un point-virgulesemi colon
une apostropheapostrophe
!un point d’exclamationexclamation point
?un point d’interrogationquestion mark
les points de suspensionellipsis
un trait d’uniondash, hypen
un tiretm-dash
_un underscore, un soulignéunderscore
°un symbole du degrédegree sign
«  »guillemets (m)quotation marks, corresponding to inverted commas ” “
(  )parenthèses (f)parentheses
[  ]crochets (droits) (m)(square) brackets
{  }accolades (f)curly brackets, braces
<  >crochets fléchés (m), crochets pointus (m)angle brackets
&une esperluette, un et commercial, un et anglaisampersand
*un astérisqueasterisk
#un dièse (Fr), un carré (Can)number sign
$un signe du dollar, un dollardollar sign
£un symbole livrepound sign
%un signe de pour-cent, un pour-centpercent sign
+le signe plusplus sign
le signe moinsminus sign
=un signe égalequal sign
<un signe inférieurless-than sign
>un signe supérieurgreater-than sign
|une barre vertical, opérateur de transfert des donnéespipe
/une barre oblique, trait oblique, un slashforward slash
une barre oblique inverse, un anti slashbackslash
@un aroba, un arobas, un a commercialat sign
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Hii! Welcome to My digital home, I am Amit – an almost no-code generalist, helping businesses with their online presence using WordPress and other tools and simplifying some of their operations with ideas and automation. A psychology and philosophy geek by interest and a graduate in Hospitality Management. I founded hmhelp during college, which got me into WordPress. I am a highly motivated and results-oriented professional with a proven track record of success in the hospitality industry. I’m also a Digital Marketing Enthusiast with significant academic and practical experience managing digital content across multiple platforms. Skilled at SEO optimization, developing digital content for social media platforms, I offer extensive knowledge of multiple software programs, strong attention to detail, and extraordinary communication skills. If you are interested in talking about any of the topics I have mentioned on my website, you are in the right place. You can contact me or learn more about what I do. You can also connect with me on social networks.

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