In this chapter we are going to discuss about the aims and objectives of Cooking.
What is cooking?
Cooking is a chemical process where in raw materials are exposed to heat to get a finished
Product of a certain desired quality with a change in physical state also.
Cooking is the art of preparing food for eating with the application of heat. It encompasses a vast range of methods, tools and combination of ingredients to alter the flavour or digestibility of food. It is the process of selecting, measuring and combining of ingredients in an ordered procedure in an effort to achieve the desired result. Factors affecting the final outcome include the variability of ingredients, conditions, tools and the skill of the individual doing the actual cooking.

Aims of cooking
Objectives of Cooking:
- Improves the taste and food quality
Cooking improves natural flavour and texture of food. For example roasting groundnuts,
Frying onions and papads, cooking rice and roasting coffee seeds improve the flavour.
Cooking meat with spices, rice with spices in making pulao, frying cashew nuts in ghee,
Addition of turmeric, curry leaves, pepper in pongal, blend flavour with one another during
cooking. Too much of cooking lowers the flavour as flavouring compounds are
Volatile. Over cooked pulao, does not taste as good as well cooked pulao.
- Destruction of microorganisms
Microorganisms are present everywhere and some are useful in making curd, cheese and
Bread. Some are harmful and cause infections or produce toxins, e.g. Clostridium botulism
And salmonella. Some moulds produce toxins. Aspergillus flavus produces aflatoxin in
Groundnuts, cereals and spices. This aflatoxin is a health hazard. One of the most important method of protection of food against harmful micro organism is by the application of heat. Cooking food to the required temperature for a required length of time can destroy all harmful microorganisms in food e.g. pasteurised milk. Tapeworm or its larvase which infests pork can be killed by proper application of heat. By cooking, food is made safe for consumption.
- Improves digestibility
Cooking softens the connective tissue of the meat and the coarse fibres or cereals, pulses and vegetables so that the digestive period is shortened and gastro intestinal tract is less subjected to irritation. Cooking improves the texture hence it becomes more chewable. Cooking also bursts the starch granules of pulses and cereals so that the starch digestion is more easier, rapid and complete. When dry heat is applied to starches they are converted to easily digestible dextrins. Cooking increases the access to enzymes and improves digestibility.
- Increases variety
By cooking, same food can be made into different dishes. For example rice can be made
Into plain, pulao, lemon rice, biriyani, or combination with pulses into idli. Wheat can be
Made into chapattis, puri, paratha or halwa.
- Increases consumption of food
Cooking improves the texture and makes the food chewable. Improvement in texture and
Flavour by cooking increases the consumption of food to meet our nutritional requirement.
- Increases availability of food
Raw egg contains avid in which binds biotin making biotin unavailable to the body. By
Cooking, avid in gets denatured and biotin is available to the body. Trypsin inhibitors present in soybean and duck egg get denatured on cooking and availability of protein is improved. Toxic substances from kasseri dhal can also be removed by boiling it and throwing away the water.
Objective of cooking
- Retaining the nutritive value of the food.
- Retaining the original colour of the food.
- Prevent the clash of colour.
- Avoid undercooking
- Avoid overcooking
Topic Covered – Objectives of Cooking | Aims of Cooking | What is cooking
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