Extras :- WTO complete laws of food

WTO complete laws on FoodDownload

(CPA) Consumer Protection Act

Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted in 1986 to protect the interests of consumers in India. It makes provision for the establishment of...

General characteristics of Micro-Organisms based on their occurrence and structure

Microorganisms: Characteristics, Importance and Control Microbiology (Greek, mikros—small; bios-life) is the science of small or microscopic organisms. The most important microorganisms relevant to biotechnology include...

Fermentation & Role of lactic acid bacteria

Fermentation is a metabolic process that consumes sugar in the absence of oxygen. The products are organic acids, gases, or alcohol. It occurs in yeast...

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Types of Meringues

There are three types of meringue; their differences lie...

Additives and preservatives used in Ice-cream manufacture

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