Conditioning of plant material

A flower or leaf cut from a plant has a short, though beautiful, life. Flower arrangers use the term ‘conditioning’ to refer to the preparation of cut plant materials for a long life, the...

Milk Cream and Butter

whipping cream, milk powder, skimmed milk, homogenized milk, composition of milk MILK, CREAM & BUTTER Milk represents a major ingredient in our diet- poured over cereals, drunk in glasses, in tea and coffee- but it also...

Factors affecting the stability of Meringues

The speed of whisk, length of time whisking, cleanliness of egg (i.e. no yolk), state of the bowl (e.g. needs to be clean and dry) etc. Factors affecting the stability of Meringues are as follows: Only...

Introduction to Fidelio Software (With Ultimate User manual)

Introduction to Fidelio Software Fidelio is a complete integrated system package designed to achieve maximum efficiency of the hotel. This PMS is produced in Munich, Germany, advanced version 6.20. The demo version enables the employees...


CULINARY TERMS 1.  ABATS-  Meat items such as offal’s, heads, hearts, liver, kidneys, etc.2. AIGULETTES-Thin strips of the fish, breast of poultry, cut lengthwise. 3. AGING –To improve the tenderness of meat which is held at a...

Origin of Modern Cookery

A HISTORY OF MODERN FOOD SERVICE The value of history is that it helps us understand the present and the future. In foodservice, knowledge of our professional heritage helps us see why we do things...

Departmental Accounting, Methods Advantage and disadvantages

Why do we prepare Departmental Accounting ? Now, say, for example, there is a retail store that contains different sections, if clothing bags, Footwear beauty products, Etc. Or if there is a manufacturing company, they...


LAYOUT OF THE LARDER SECTION Larder of a 5 star operational kitchen will be segregated into the following section- 1. Hors d’oeuvres and salad section having two sinks, work tables, storage racks and cupboards, refrigerator, gas...

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