Various consistencies
Like different textures found in solid foods (which are mentioned above), different ‘consistencies’ are found in liquid foods.
Some substances flow readily, others resist...
French terms used in restaurants:
EnglishFrenchArmchairFauteuilAshtrayCendrierBar counterComptoirBill folderPique notebillAdditionBottle openerTire bouchonBottleBouteilleBread boatBateau a painButter dishBeurrierButter knifeCouteau de tableCandle standTenant de chandelleCandleChandelleCaviare knifeCouteau a caviarChairChaiseChampagne coolerSeau...
Sauces may be classified in several ways. Here is one system.
By serving temperature warm or coldBy flavor: blandness or piquancyBy acidityBy sweetnessBy...
Techniques used in pre-preparation:
Raw materials used in food production are mostly natural products. They are available in various shapes and weights. For example, no...