French Cuisines Everything you need to know

France Of all the cuisines, none has the aura or lofty reputation of French cuisine. This is because the French have held cuisine to the...

Management Contracted Hotels : Classification of Hotels

MANAGEMENT CONTRACT HOTEL These hotels are the properties owned by other entities. Under this type of contract, the owner or developer usually retains the financial...

Wood : Composition, Care and Composition of different surfaces

They are found in all types of establishment and are used for a variety of reasons:- AppearanceResilienceCostInsulation Characteristics of wood :- Hard, compact , fiberous and porousGood...

Cafeteria : Food Service Areas ( F & B Outlets)

Working class spend most of their active time at their place of work and perhaps with the exception of dinner, most people eat out...

Generations of Computers

Generations of Computers First Generation  Basic component – Vacuum Tubes 1940-1956Processing Speed – Slow & Unreliable Machine Heat Generation – Huge amount of Heat generated Size – Bulky & Non – Portable...

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Types of Meringues

There are three types of meringue; their differences lie...

Additives and preservatives used in Ice-cream manufacture

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Ice Sculptures

Ice Sculptures The Ice sculpture is the highlight of any...