Equipment & utensils: Chinese Cuisine

Using Chinese kitchen equipment is not as terrifying as some people may think. Although some equipment may look rather unusual, these tools help tremendously...

Allocation of Work – Job Description, Duty Rosters in Kitchen Organisation

Job Description of various roles in kitchen:- For Duty Roaster jump to the end of this post. CHEF DE CUISINE (HEAD CHEF) The Chef de Cuisine in...

Spanish cuisine, Everything you need to know

Spain Spain’s land-bridge location between Europe and Africa and its long history of invasion and settlement by many different groups have resulted in a great...

Bread Faults

To understand bread faults first we need to understand what is meant by the term “Good Bread”. There are few parameters by which a...

Forecasting & Budgeting: Kitchen Production Management

Forecasting & Budgeting: Kitchen Production Management This content is to be customised in kitchen context. Comparison Chart BASIS FOR COMPARISONBUDGETFORECASTMeaningA budget is a financial plan expressed in...

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