Food Wine Combination


The Food and Wine combinations that most of us grew up with were the “Red wine with beef” and “White wine with fish or poultry” rules.  Since then, we’ve heard “any wine as long as you like it”. A person can differentiate (on average) about 9,000 different aromas.  Even those of us with a poor sense of smell can identify more than 3000 aromas.  One can taste only four things:  Sweetness, Acidity, Bitterness and Saltiness.  The surest and easiest way to match foods with wines is to look for sweetness, acidity or bitterness in the food and serve wines that have the same characteristics

White wines with high acid: Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, White Bordeaux and almost all sparkling wines.  These wines usually pair well with most seafood.

Red Wines with high acid levels: Pinot Noir (including Red Burgundies), Sangiovese (including Chiantis) and Gamay (including Beaujolais) These wines are usually very good pairings with grilled seafood and with most red sauces (tomato-based).

White wines sweetness include Most German wines, Vouvray, Chenin Blanc, Asti Spumante and many Rieslings.  White Zinfandel has sweetness and high acidity.

Red wines with sweetness include:  Lambrusco and Port (very sweet)

Red wines with bitterness include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Red Bordeaux,  Zinfandel.

Commonly Used Combination


Asparagus with hollandaisePouilly fuisse , Pouilly Fume,  Soave
MelonVouvray, Moscato d alba
Tomato Stuffed with Sea FoodSilvaner, dry Riesling Wines
FishDry White Burgundies
Quiche LorraineBeaujolais, Light fruity Wines
Shell FishChablis
LobsterMuscadet , Dry White Wines
Coquilles St. JacquesPetit Chablis


Thin SoupsDry Sherries
Fish SoupsDry French Or Spanish Wines
Vegetable SoupsTocai, Soave, Dry White Wines
Turtle or Rich SoupsDry Madeira


Cod (baked & fried)Muscadet from Loire, White Italian wine
Fried or grilled fishChablis
Poached white fishes with saucePouilly Fuisse, White Alsatian wines, Dry Rhine or Mosel wines
Salmon(poached, grilled or baked)Dry White Burgundies
Poached soleRieslings, Sylvaners from Alsace


Capon ala crèmeWhite Burgundies
FriedBeajoulais Red wines
Roast ChickenRed Bordeaux i.e. Chateau Latour, Chateaux Margaux, Chateau Lafite


BraisedPouilly fume, Sancerre light red wines
EscalopeRed Beaujolais
RoastRed Beaujolais, Meursault


Boiled HamYoung Red wines


Braised LambBeaujolais, Light Red Bordeaux wines
Leg of Lamb provençaleHeavy Red Wines ( Chateau Neuf du Pape, Hermitage)
Grilled ChopsVelvety Red Wines
Saddle of lamb roastedRed Bordeaux i.e. Chateau Latour, Chateaux Margaux, Chateau Lafite


Grilled chopsChateau Neuf Du-Pape
RoastGreat Beaujolais
Tenderloins with prunesSancerre earthy light dry white wines


Beef SteaksChianti, Well balanced dry red wines
BroiledRed Bordeaux, Red burgundy wines
BraisedChateau Margaux
Braised provençalChateau Neuf Du-Pape, Italian Red Wines
Braised with red winesLight red wines
Braised fillet chasseurNuit St Georges, Rich Red Wines


RoastBeaujolais,  Italian   Wines from Piedmont, Veneto, Tuscany & Spanish dry red (Rioja)


RoastLight Red Wines, Cantenac
Cold with HamBeaujolais, White Rioja, Dry white wines


BrieMedoc Red Wines, Red Burgundies
Danish Blue or RoquefortChateau Neuf- du- Pape
EdamMosel Wines, Soave,
CheddarSt. Emilion, Italian Red Wines
GorgonzolaBarbaresco, Chianti
GruyereSancerre, Beaujolais

Fruits, Nuts

Fruit, NutsSweet Sherries,  Madeira, Marsala
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumarhttp:////
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