Ideal for digestion and cold effects! Homemade ginger tea, a cheap drink and very easy to make at home. Ginger has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects for muscle pain like those of osteoarthritis. If you often suffer menstrual pains, be sure to try ginger tea, it has been proven to mitigate this type of discomfort.
How to make a homemade ginger tea :-
Ingredients for 1 liter
- 1 and a half medium sized ginger bulb
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 2 green tea bags
- 1 liter of water
- 3 tablespoons of Vegeta Stevia sweetener
How to make ginger tea

The ideal is to prepare the ginger tea from one day to the next so that it rests and is impregnated with the ginger, then you can drink it both cold and hot.
You find the ginger bulb in any supermarket and they are not expensive, the kilo is for 2.40 euros/ 65 Rs, and with half a kilo you have to make tea for weeks.

We put water to heat, wash and cut the ginger bulbs into slices depending on the size, it will come out as 20 or 30 slices.
each of the slices with a fork so that once in the water they give off
their aroma better. When the water boils, turn off the heat and add the
green tea bags and the ginger slices. Cover the container with its lid
or aluminum foil.
Let it cool for at least 10 minutes before
taking it, or better an hour, this way the ginger will impregnate the
liquid with its properties.
If you want to take it hot after about 10
minutes, proceed as I say below. Remove the green tea bags, and the
pieces of ginger, strain the liquid with the help of a strainer. Add
vegetable sweetener or honey if you have a cough or sore throat. The
rest of the tea you have left you can keep in a bottle.
How to drink ginger tea

Let it cool by covering the container with aluminum foil. Then when you have it at room temperature remove the tea bags, the ginger slices and strain the liquid through a strainer or a Chinese. Pour the liquid into a jar, add the sweetener and the lemon juice, stir and keep in the fridge to get it cooled.