The most common answer to the question “Why did you decide to become a receptionist?” is, because you wanted to MEET PEOPLE.
Now, to be successful in any human relationship you must reflect these characteristics: –
- A warm personality, and smart appearances.
- A keen interest in people, and polite and courteous nature
- Poise under pressure, keeping his cool and problem solver.
- A desire to be helpful, but also diplomatic and tactful.
- The ability to listen, hard working and punctual.
- A willingness to reflect management policy, should be able to take quick decisions, The ability to get along with co-workers, and pleasant approach and a good motivator and coordinator.
- A desire to be liked, with good public relation qualities.
- The ability to help another employee without resenting it or showing imitation. Should be confident, analytical, intelligent and a good salesman.
- Neat personal habits.
- Good memory (should be able to remember names of regular guests)
- Knowledge of languages.
- Numerical ability.
- Reference point.
- Image Builder.
Standing behind front desk and meeting any of the dozens of problems that arise in a hotel requires a reserve of energy.
Keep your reserve built up by common-sense rules of living:
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Don’t drink. If you must, be moderate.
- Don’t smoke, at least not on the job.
- Be positive.
As a Front Official you will be the first person who meets the guest in a hotel. First impression forms lasting impression. So make sure that the guest gets a positive impression from the moment he walks in.
Some points to remember :
- Avoid all controversial questions. You can afford to win arguments, but not in the hotel business.
- Be oblivious to guests’ mistakes. Say “I’m sorry, I didn’t make it clear”. Don’t say. “You are wrong” or “You misunderstood me”. Instead say, “Sorry sir, I could not make myself clear.”
- Do not criticize competing hotels. This never helps anyone, including yourself.
- Cancel all “Yeahs”, “Okays” and “Noes” from your vocabulary, i.e. don’t use slangs.
- Speak positive. Every negative reply can be rephrased: “One moment. muse” is a great improvement over “Wait a minute”.
- Refer to men guests as gentlemen, females as ladies.
- Immediate attention to the traveller is a form of respect to which he is entitled.