Food Production 1st sem

Egg Cookery

Introduction to Egg Cookery An egg is a nutritious alternative source of protein to ovavagens. It is packed with a lot of protein and other energy-giving nutrients.Initially, eggs were treated as non-vegetarian in nature, but...

Personal hygiene in Kitchen

Personal hygiene in Kitchen Most of the food-borne disease is caused by bacteria, spread by food workers or handlers. Hence the first step in preventing food-borne disease is good personal –hygiene. Do’s for Personal Hygiene in...


Sauces are the next most important part of the French & continental cuisine. These sauces can be derived from stocks by using different thickening agents. Sauces are capable of adding variety to the dishes...

Method of Cooking: Broiling

The cooking process known as broiling consists in exposing directly to the source of heat the food that is to be cooked; that is, in cooking it over or before a clear bed of...

Non Alcoholic Beverages: Tea

TEA Tea is one of the most consumed non-alcoholic aromatic beverages. It is prepared from the leaf bud and top leaves of a tropical evergreen bush called Camellia Sinesis. It produces what is regarded...

Syllabus Wise Reading Food production 1st sem

Links Will Be updated soon! Stay Tuned S.No.TopicHoursWeight age01INTRODUCTION TO COOKERY   01 INTRODUCTION TO COOKERYA. Levels of skills and experiencesB. Attitudes and behavior in the kitchenC. Personal hygieneD. Uniforms & protective clothingE. Safety procedure in handling equipment025%02CULINARY HISTORY   A....

Basic Recipes of Consommé with 10 Garnishes

What is consommé? The consommé comes from the word ‘consummate’ which means to bring to complete or perfect. It is a clear soup which is prepared from beef, chicken stock, and garnish with verities of ingredients. This...

Importance of Sugar

Sugar is not only added to food for taste, but also for functional reasons.Sugar alternatives or low sugar foods may not be healthier.Removing sugar can be technically challenging. Important roles of sugar Aside from making some...

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