Calculation of selling price: Sales Control

Expected Profit + Food Cost (Variable Cost) + Semi Variable Cost + Fixed Cost = Selling Price. Profit must be planned, costs must be identified...

International – Codex Alimentarius, ISO: Food Laws and Regulations

Codex Alimentarius The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of international food safety standards that have been adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the “Codex”). The...

Indoor Plants: Selection and care

Points to be kept in mind while buying an indoor plant Check the compost (Potting Soil). If it has dried out the plants have been...

Risk Assessment: Quality Assurance

A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you...

Hygiene and Sanitization in Food Sector

Hygiene and Sanitization in Food Sector Maintaining safety and quality is essential in the entire chain of food products ranging from primary food production at...

Introduction: Food Borne Disease

Foodborne disease: A disease caused by consuming contaminated food or drink. Myriad microbes and toxic substances can contaminate foods. There are more than 250 known foodborne diseases. The majority are...

Beneficial Role of Micro-Organism Few major Beneficial Role of Micro-Organism Antibiotics are important components of human welfare against infections and diseases. These are manufactured in industries using bacteria. For example, penicillin...

Extras :- WTO complete laws of food

WTO complete laws on FoodDownload

Regulatory Agencies – WTO: Food Laws and Regulations

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the...

Job Description of Purchase Manager/Personnel

Job Description of Purchase Manager/Personnel DUTIES OF THE PURCHASE OFFICER- The duties of the Purchasing Officer will inevitably vary from one establishment to another but...