Forecasting: Production Control

Forecasting is a technique of predicting the volume of sales of the establishment for a specific future period like, for a day, a week,...

Sources Of Supply

Sources Of Supply SELECTION OF SUPPLIER:- Supplier can be selected among those from the buyer has a previous purchase. Supplier selection may be the single...

Receiving Control

Receiving Control All establishments must have set down procedures for receiving, checking and accepting goods, which have been delivered by suppliers. These goods must be...

Comparison of actual physical inventory and book value & Record Maintained

Comparison of actual physical inventory and book value Sometimes there is a difference between the actual physical inventory and book stock of a particular item....

Cost Control & Phases of Control Procedure

Cost control is the practice of identifying and reducing business expenses to increase profits, and it starts with the budgeting process. A business owner compares...

Matching Costs with Sales: Sales Control

In order for the Restaurateur to stay profitably in business total sales must be greater than total cost. If the cost exceeds the sale...

Definition of standards (Quality & Quantity): Production Control

The term ‘standard’ is synonymous with the phrase ‘what it should be’, standards are aids to management for the control of food and beverage...

Calculation of selling price: Sales Control

Expected Profit + Food Cost (Variable Cost) + Semi Variable Cost + Fixed Cost = Selling Price. Profit must be planned, costs must be identified...

Job Description of Purchase Manager/Personnel

Job Description of Purchase Manager/Personnel DUTIES OF THE PURCHASE OFFICER- The duties of the Purchasing Officer will inevitably vary from one establishment to another but...

Fixing of Standards in Production Control

The word “standard” is synonymous with the phrase – “what it should be”. It actually is the base for any control that is to...