types of soup

Classification of Soup with Digram

What is Soup? In a short way Soup is mainly a liquid food, made by cooking meat, vegetables etc. In water which is served warm...

Basic Recipes of Consommé with 10 Garnishes

What is consommé? The consommé comes from the word ‘consummate’ which means to bring to complete or perfect. It is a clear soup which is prepared from...

Egg Cookery

Introduction to Egg Cookery An egg is a nutritious alternative source of protein to ovavagens. It is packed with a lot of protein and other...

Selection of an Egg

Selection criteria of an egg are as follows: A fresh egg is heavy. As the egg gets older it loses water through the shell making...

Structure of an egg

The egg is primarily made up of shell, membranes, air cell, albumen, chalazae, vitelline membrane, and yolk. Shell Bumpy and grainy in texture, an eggshell is...

Uses Of Egg In Cookery

Binding Addition of eggs to minced mead and mashed vegetables etc. helps to bind the mixture. As the heat coagulates, the proteins are bound into...

Raising Agent Or Leavening Agent

Leavening or raising means to increase the surface area of any dough or batter by creating gas bubbles inside the dough or batter. This...

Thickening Agents

Thickening agents give body, consistency, and palatability when used. They also improve the nutritive value of the sauce. Flavored liquids are thickened and converted...

Importance of Sugar

Sugar is not only added to food for taste, but also for functional reasons.Sugar alternatives or low sugar foods may not be healthier.Removing sugar...
Different Sugars

Cooking and Different Types of Sugar

The sugar products produced worldwide are divided into four basic categories: granulated, brown, liquid and invert sugar. Granulated Sugar Granulated sugar is also known as white...