Ihm Notes Food Production sem 6

This IHM Notes page contains food production notes sem 6. If you’re looking for a particular subject please choose the subject from the menu in courses. For Syllabus Wise click here

spain flag

Spanish cuisine, Everything you need to know

Spain Spain’s land-bridge location between Europe and Africa and its long history of invasion and settlement by many different groups have resulted in a great...

Production Quality & Quantity Control: Kitchen Production Management

The objective of Kitchen Management is to lead, organize and control the means of  Production and service of food.To manage the kitchen, the kitchen...

French Cuisines Everything you need to know

France Of all the cuisines, none has the aura or lofty reputation of French cuisine. This is because the French have held cuisine to the...
British cuisine

British Cuisine Everything you’ll ever need

The food of United Kingdom (UK) is also termed as British Cuisine. Though  this food is quite popular in the UK, it has not...